Presenters 2016



Talk Title 

Future Plans 

Jiadi An    Adrian Elcock Osmotic Pressure Simulations Facilitate Protein Force Field Parameterization: GROMOS 54A7 Attend San Diego State University for graduate study in Biometry
Mohammed Ismail Maria Spies Phosphorylation by C-Abl Kinase on RAD51 Will be applying to medical schools this summer
Hannah Miller Todd Washington Polymerase Interactions with PCNA Continue in Fast Track PhD program
Devon Moose Bridget Lear Developmental vs. Adult Requirements of the Narrow Abdomen Ion Channel Expression in Drosophila Obtain Masters in Molecular Physiology and Biophysics at the University of Iowa
Jianlan Ren Adrian Elcock Osmotic Pressure Simulations Facilitate Protein Force Field Parameterization: CHARMM36 Work in the chemistry or biochemistry industry for a few years then attend graduate school
Alexander Wolff Daniel Weeks Designing and Building a Probe to Examine Endogenous Amyloids in Early Xenopus Development Earn a research job in industry or academia and indefinitely figure out what type of career I want to pursue as it relates to healthcare
Hang Yin Adrian Elcock Improvement of Sugar-Sugar Interactions in Molecular Dynamics Simulations Using Osmotic Pressure Measurements