Presenters - 2022

Name Mentor Talk Title Future Plans
Spenser Johnson Douglas Spitz The Inhibition of Thioredoxin Reductase in a Mouse Xenograft Model with Auranofin Attending Yale to do brain cancer research for two years after graduation and applying to MD/PhD programs in that time.
Lanchi Nguyen Donna Hammond Isolation and Analysis of Functional Mitochondria in Mice Models Will be taking a gap year and applying to med school in summer 2023
Isabella Perales Pamela Geyer Structural changes in centrosomes correlate with activation of a checkpoint that triggers germline stem cell loss Will be taking a gap year from classes to work in the field and decide what path best suits me and my goals.
Cade Rahlf Madeline Shea Defining an Interaction Between A-type Fibroblast Growth Factor Homologous Factors and Calmodulin Continue education onto a PhD in Microbiology and Immunology