Presenters 2018

Name Mentor Talk Title Future Plans
Lance Heady Andrew Pieper A Neuron and it's Survival: A Tale of Drug Discovery Will be pursuing his PhD in Neuroscience at UT Southwestern this fall
Tien Thuy Nguyen Marc Wold Diverse Interactions of the Multifunctional, Regulatory Domain of Replication Protein A Working full time as a medical scribe at Mercy Hospital in Iowa City.  Plans to attend medical school in 1-2 years
Laura Fischer Marc Wold A Potential Role of Alternative Replication Protein A in Huntington's Disease Progression PhD program in Developmental, Regenerative and Stem Cell Biology at Washington University in St. Louis
Preston Anderson John Engelhardt Submucosal Gland Myoepithelial Cells Are Reserve Stem Cells That Can Regenerate Mouse Tracheal Epithelium Attending Duke University Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP)
Devin Reusch Todd Washington Polymerase Switching During Translesion Synthesis: A Tale of the Tail Graduate student, Department of Biochemistry, University of Iowa
Steven Huang Ernesto Fuentes The Structural Characterization and Ligand Identification of the SrrB Cache Domain Completing a research fellowship at the National Institute of Health (NIH) before applying to medical school
Titus Hou Ernesto Fuentes A Newly Identified Sub-Pocket That Plays a Unique Role in Scribble PDZ1 - SGEF iPBM Interaction Medical school at the University of Illinois College of Medicine at Rockford
Benjamin Spector David Price Association of the Pol II CTD Phosphatase Ssu72 with Transcription Complexes Continuing doing research while deciding between graduate or medical school
Alexandra Bess Jennifer Fiegel Protein Effects of BALF on Various Polystyrene Nanoparticles Seeking employment immediately post-graduation and intend on getting a higher degree within a few years of graduating
Gabriel Fortunato Amnon Kohen Uncovering the Evolutionary Mechanism of Enzyme Catalysis Take a gap year at Kohen Research Group then go to medical school