University of Iowa physicians are the first in the state to use a novel device to remove life-threatening blood clots from the lungs of a critically ill patient.
When the Iowa Physiological Society (IPS) meets on November 1 and 2, the chapter of the American Physiological Society promises a pair of days packed with sessions on a variety of topics including asthma, seizures, cardiovascular issues in infants, cannabis as a treatment for multiple sclerosis, and how the #MeToo movement impacts STEM fields.
Cardiovascular and stroke research have always been central to the mission of the University of Iowa, and grant support from the American Heart Association is critical to our carrying out that mission. It is my pleasure to report that this year, the University of Iowa ranks in the top 10...
Sah awarded $2.06M grant Rajan Sah, MD, PhD, assistant professor of cardiovascular medicine, has received an RO1 grant for $2.06 million from the National Institutes of Health entitled, “Tuning fat cell size and obesity through SWELL1.” Dr. Sah’s proposal seeks to address a fundamental question...
Dr. Dale Abel, Chair and DEO of Internal Medicine and Director of the Fraternal Order of Eagles Diabetes Research Center, has received a 2017 Distinguished Mentor Award from the Iowa Center for Research by Undergraduates (ICRU). This award recognizes outstanding mentorship of undergraduate students...
On Friday, February 24, nearly one hundred area and regional health care providers gathered at a local Iowa City hotel to attend one of many conferences the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine sponsors throughout the year. This year’s event featured a keynote address from Dr. Blair Grubb, director...
Findings may open new avenues of research to prevent transfer of health conditions from mothers to children Mothers contribute a lot of defining traits to their offspring, from eye color to toe length. But pregnant mothers with health complications, such as diabetes or hypertension, also can pass...
Division of Continuing Medical Education Event Advances in Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Therapy 02/24/2017 Clarion Highlander Hotel, Iowa City, IA Course Director: Michael Giudici, MD Contact Information: CME Division (319) 335-8599 Notes: UI Hospitals and Clinics faculty and staff call 5-8599 to...
The renin-angiotensin system (RAS) is a complex hormone system that is involved in the regulation of plasma sodium concentration and arterial blood pressure. Localized expression of RASs has been demonstrated in a variety of tissues including the cardiovascular system, kidneys and nervous system among others.
Internal Medicine Research Day Award Winners were acknowledged at Internal Medicine Grand Rounds on Thursday, July 21, 12 - 1 pm in the Med Alum Auditorium, E331 GH