CCOM Office of Research Newsletter, October 8, 2021
Reminder Regarding Award and Proposal Policy Related Inquiries
Research Administrators and PIs, please remember that inquiries regarding general grants policy matters, including administrative matters such as prior approval requests, should be directed to the Division of Sponsored Programs (DSP), specifically the Authorized Organization Representative (AOR). DSP staff serve as the AOR for the UI's sponsored project awards, including grants and contracts.
The above is true for all sponsored research grants and contracts. However, currently the NIH grants policy inbox is experiencing an increasing volume of inquiries that are best directed to the recipient or applicant organization's internal grants administration contacts (e.g. Division of Sponsored Programs). This NIH notice serves as a reminder regarding recipient and applicant grants policy related inquiries.
If you are already working with a DSP grant or contract reviewer, contact that reviewer with your administrative or policy related inquiry. Otherwise please send your inquiry to one of the following email addresses that are shared and handled by pertinent DSP personnel:
- - for NIH/PHS inquiries
- - for all other federal and private inquiries
NIH Policy of Expanding COVID-19 Flexibilities... continuing to allow post-submission updates of preliminary data and status of published papers.
For applications submitted for the May 2022 Council (beginning with applications submitted for the September 25, 2021 due date for Spring 2022 review meetings), the NIH, AHRQ, and NIOSH will accept a one-page update with preliminary data as post-submission materials for applications submitted under all activity codes, ONLY if the Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) used for submission allowed preliminary data in the application. One page of preliminary data will be accepted for single component applications or for each component of a multi-component application.
The deadline for submitting all post-submission materials, including preliminary data, will be 30 days before the study section meeting. Because applications for emergency competitive revisions and urgent competitive revisions undergo expedited review, post-submission materials will not be accepted for those applications.
Scientific Editing and Research Communication Core listserv
The Scientific Editing and Research Communication Core (SERCC) has established a listserv to provide important information about scientific writing to interested staff. The SERCC helps researchers succeed with their funding efforts and scholarship by providing in-depth advice on how to maximize the clarity of scientific documents. Hear from our editors, who have advanced degrees in science and extensive experience in both laboratory research and the editing of scientific content. Subscribers will receive information including updates to NIH agreements, announcements about the core's custom grant-writing templates, and resources for scientific writing. Click here to subscribe to the SERCC listserv.
New Training Requirement for Student PIs
Beginning Fall 2021, graduate and undergraduate students serving as PIs will be required to complete HawkIRB training prior to submitting a HawkIRB New Project form for IRB-01 (Biomedical IRB) or IRB-02 (Social/Behavioral IRB).
For more information about the training requirement and options, please visit the Human Subjects Office website.
ICTS Pilot Grants LOI due Oct 11
The ICTS has announced a call for applications for pilot grants that encourages multidisciplinary team science. Projects are strongly encouraged to include rural health, community/stakeholder engagement, or special populations. More information and a link to the application can be found on the ICTS website.
- LOI with NIH/NSF biosketches - October 11
- Selected applicant proposals - November 24
- Award notification - December 20
P3 Call for Proposals, due Oct 21
The UI Strategic Team is requesting P3 preliminary proposals for FY2023 with the deadline of October 21, 2021. For guidelines on submission of the preliminary proposal, please visit the P3 FY2023 website.
For more information on the UI strategic priorities, visit the Strategic Plan website.
INI RPOE Call for Proposals, due Nov 19
The Iowa Neuroscience Institute is seeking proposals for Research Programs of Excellence (RPOEs) in neuroscience. The INI will award four new RPOEs in 2021. For more information and to apply, please visit the website.
OVPR Seeding Excellence Initiative (SEI) funding opportunities
The Research Development Office (RDO) has announced new opportunities for researchers to apply for funding to help support community engagement, attract underrepresented students to research, advance the careers of early scholars, and spur collaborations across the disciplines. Opportunities include: OVPR DEI Supplements (applications are due Dec 1), OVPR Community Engaged Scholars (LOI is due Feb 4), and OVPR Interdisciplinary Research Grants (info and due date TBA).
Click here to learn more.
Outstanding New Environmental Scientist (ONES) Award (Limited Submission)
Research Goals and Scope
The ONES program is designed to identify outstanding scientists at the formative stages of their career and assist them in launching an innovative research program with a defined impact in the environmental health sciences. These R01 research grants are targeted for researchers who are defined by the NIH as Early Stage Investigators". More information here.
Distinguished Mentor Award Celebration
Please join us on Tuesday, October 12 at 3:00pm in the Prem Sahai Auditorium (1110A MERF), where Dr. Donald D. Heistad will be honored with the 2020 Distinguished Mentor Award. Awardees are distinguished faculty who have served a significant portion of their career at Iowa and whose mentees have gone on to distinguished careers of their own. Additionally awardees are known for their collegiality, dedication to their profession, and the advancement of the Carver College of Medicine and the University of Iowa. Dr. David J. Skorton will provide the Distinguished Mentor's Lecture "Inspiration Comes in Many Forms" via the Zoom link below at approximately 3:45pm.
Attendees may also join the event via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 953 3297 5863 Passcode: email Sonya Housholder
Add this event to you calendar by clicking here.
ICTS Research Mentor Training for Junior Faculty
ICTS, in partnership with the Iowa Mentoring Academy, will sponsor a Fall 2021 Research Mentor Training Seminar Series combined for junior-level faculty. The series is comprised of eight sessions, starting on October 11 and ending December 9. All sessions will be held via Zoom. Space is limited. Please RSVP to:
Core Facility Office Hours
Want to discuss a new or existing research project with a core facility director? Join our virtual office hours during the third week of every month. October dates will be the 20-22nd.
- Wednesday, 3:00-4:00pm: NMR Facility (Liping Yu), High Throughput Screening Facility (Meng Wu), and Flow Cytometry Facility (Heath Vignes).
- Thursday, 3:00-4:00pm: Proteomics (Marshall Pope) and Small Animal Imaging (Thad Wadas)
- Friday, 9:00-10:00am: IIHG Genomics (Kevin Knudtson), IIHG Bioinformatics (Michael Chimenti), Tissue Procurement (Kristen Coleman), Scientific Editing and Research Communication Core (Christine Blaumueller), Protein & Crystallography Facility (Nicholas Schnicker), Genome Editing (William Paradee) and Viral Vector Core (William Paradee).
Meeting ID: 914 0171 0228
Innovator Education Seminar Series
UIRF is launching a new series of four live 90-minute sessions via Zoom to help you gain a better understanding of the process, promise, and potential pitfalls involved in protecting and cultivating your intellectual property. The courses, which run from 3:00-4:30pm are:
- Oct 21, What is an invention disclosure? (course ID #INVENT)
- Dec 16, What is intellectual property (IP)? (course ID #WHATIP)
- Feb 17, What is licensing? (course ID #WHALIC)
- April 21, What is commercialization? (course ID #WHACOM)
Register through the UI Self Service-My Training portal.