Faculty nominations now being accepted for Regents Award
Do know of a faculty colleague who has demonstrated excellence in teaching, scholarship, and service or such outstanding accomplishments in one or more of the areas? If you wish to nominate or suggest a faculty colleague for the Regents Award for Faculty Excellence, partner with the colleague’s chair or email jane-holland@uiowa.edu.
The UI Carver College of Medicine Office of Faculty Affairs and Development is administering this award and nominations for the award are due to jane-holland@uiowa.edu by January 21, 2016.
Eligibility Criteria
All UI faculty members are eligible for selection. Nominees must have a sustained record of excellence across the spectrum of faculty endeavors (teaching, scholarship, service) or such outstanding accomplishments in one or more of the areas as to justify their selection.
Required Nomination materials
A nomination statement that speaks to all areas of faculty endeavor (teaching, scholarship, service), even if the nominee is being nominated for outstanding accomplishments in fewer than three areas
A current curriculum vitae
Two supporting letters from faculty members in the nominee’s department or in the college
Contact information
Jane Holland
Story Source: UI Carver College of Medicine Office of Faculty Affairs and Development, Jane Holland, jane-holland@uiowa.edu
Media Contact: Jane Holland, jane-holland@uiowa.edu, (319) 335-9103