Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center awards ACS seed grants

Date: Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Two early-career University of Iowa scientists have each been awarded a one-year, $30,000 American Cancer Society Institutional Research Grant through Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center at the UI. These seed grants help junior faculty members and independent research scientists start their careers in cancer research, and provide funds to explore new ideas related to the cause, prevention, and treatment of cancer. This is the second round of awards made within the current grant period.

New grant recipients 

Sukirth Ganesan, BDS, PhD

Assistant Professor of Periodontics, UI College of Dentistry

Project: Mapping the Microbial-Immune-Axis in Oral Chronic-Graft-versus-Host-Disease

Shannon Lea Watkins, PhD

Assistant Professor of Community and Behavioral Health, UI College of Public Health

Project: Poly-Tobacco Product use Among Young Adults: A Qualitative Study of Social and Structural Drivers