Meet Allan Prichard

Graduate program: Biomedical Science (Microbiology)
Undergraduate institution: University of Wisconsin-Madison
Hometown: Muskego, Wis.
Why did you choose the University of Iowa to pursue your graduate degree?
I had applied to numerous schools and chose to pursue my degree at The University of Iowa due to my experiences at interview weekend. I enjoyed meeting all of the friendly faculty as well as hearing of the plethora of collaborations between faculty on the hospital campus. Additionally, the core facilities provided by the university are highly ranked and help expedite lab work on a daily basis.
What type of research are you performing?
I am researching host pathogen interactions. More specifically, how Helicobacter pylori infection modulates human neutrophils.
What do you hope to do after you earn your degree?
After earning my PhD, I would like to continue researching in a post-doctoral fellowship.
What is something that surprised you about the University of Iowa or your graduate program?
I was surprised how active the university is in helping their graduate students and how approachable the workers are. Meals as well as helpful services are frequently talked about and open to students with the busiest of schedules.
What is your favorite part about being a graduate student?
I have always enjoyed working in a lab, and thoroughly enjoy my research and laboratory. For me it was like joining a family, we enjoy each other’s company and share a passion for our research. It is an amazing environment that I can’t wait to work in every day.
Who is your biggest role model and why?
My biggest role model is my dad, he loves his work and continually pushes me to excel in mine.
What are some of your personal interests?
I have a 9 month old golden retriever named Fynn, and we do everything together. Otherwise I enjoy hiking, riding bikes or motorcycles, and exercising.
A piece of advice for incoming graduate students.
Branch outside of your year and department, your future friends on campus may have entirely different interests from yourself. Also take advantage of university events and general events in Iowa City, I promise you will enjoy yourself!