Meet Chandler Jensen-Cody

Chandler Jensen-Cody
Date: Monday, February 3, 2020

Name of graduate program: Molecular Medicine

Undergraduate institution: Gonzaga University

Hometown: Livingston, MT

Why did you choose the University of Iowa to pursue your graduate degree?

I did an internship here between my junior and senior years of my undergraduate degree. I was blown away by the quality and diversity of the research being done here, and even more so by the quality of the people that worked here.

What type of research are you performing?

I study epithelial stem cells of the mammalian lung. We are interested in the proteins and signaling pathways that determine when and how they proliferate and differentiate. Diseases such as cystic fibrosis and COPD progress because of the dysfunction of stem cell proliferation and differentiation; thus, understanding how these processes are regulated could help us develop targeted therapeutics in the future.

What do you hope to do after you earn your degree?

I am planning on applying for a postdoctoral position and eventually working for the government doing biomedical research.

What is something that surprised you about the University of Iowa or your graduate program?

I was surprised by how willing everyone was to help me if I needed it. The people here genuinely care about my education and are willing to sacrifice their own time in order to ensure I progress.

What is your favorite part about being a graduate student?

That feeling of triumph you get when an experiment actually succeeds. It’s worth all of the moments of frustration.

Who is your biggest role model and why?

My wife. She isn’t afraid to be who she is, and that allows her to accomplish anything she puts her mind to.

What are some of your personal interests?

Reading non-scientific literature, listening to podcasts, lifting weights, and building Lego sets.

A piece of advice for incoming graduate students.

Ask questions! Reach out to anyone involved in research you are interested in. You can never be too curious as a scientist.