Meet Katherine Truc Phan

Date: Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Katherine PhanHometown: Davenport, Iowa

Program: Nuclear Medicine Technology

How did you choose your program?

I originally wanted to be a nurse. The summer before going into nursing school, I experienced an MRI. The technologist, a graduate from University of Iowa, showed me my MRI and my eyes lit up. I started to do research about radiology and changed my major to radiation sciences with the intent to be an MRI technologist. The introduction to radiation sciences class piqued my interest in Nuclear Medicine. After job shadowing a couple of times, I knew this was what I wanted my career to be.

What experiences outside the curriculum greatly enhanced your education?

As a CNA in an assisted living facility, it truly taught me how to communicate with patients and made me comfortable in my abilities to care for them. This program gave me many opportunities to participate in the SNMMI (Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging) and broaden my knowledge in this profession.

Who was especially helpful in guiding and mentoring you?

Anthony Knight, program director, and Jay Smith, clinical coordinator, have been undoubtedly helpful throughout the whole process. I am extremely grateful for the technologists apart of this program, but a special thanks to Jerrica, Taylor, and Tim.

What was the most rewarding part of your Carver College of Medicine experience?

Throughout out the whole program, I felt proud to do my internship at the University of Iowa. Training at a large institution has given me the opportunity to work with a diverse patient population and perform a wide variety of procedures most hospitals do not do. That alone is already rewarding. I have made friends in this program that became part of my support system and I’ll never forget them.

Share one memory that sticks out from your time as a student at Carver College of Medicine?

Our class attended a regional conference in Omaha, Nebraska for the SNMMI within the first few months. I’ll always remember the experience I had being a part of that community. I bonded with my classmates and made lifelong friends.