Meet Layken Gurwell

Date: Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Layken GurwellHometown: Winterset, Iowa

Program: Diagnostic Medical Sonography Cardiac/Vascular

How did you choose your program?

I knew I wanted to do ultrasound before I looked into this program. My aunt was a sonographer and she got me really interested in the field. I took the Intro to Radiation Science class my freshman year and knew that I wanted to apply to get into the program here at the University of Iowa.

What experiences outside the curriculum greatly enhanced your education?

The clinical education involved in the program. We learn everything in the classroom but in my own personal experiences, none of it clicked until I was able to apply the knowledge and skills in the clinical area. Because of my clinical experiences, I feel prepared to be successful in my job after graduation.

Who was especially helpful in guiding and mentoring you?

Steph Ellingson was a great resource to me throughout the entire program. Her passion for ultrasound, specifically cardiac ultrasound, really rubbed off on me as a student. She has an amazing gift for teaching students and making the hard work worth it.

What was the most rewarding part of your Carver College of Medicine experience?

The most rewarding thing about my experience was all of the amazing people that I met; from teachers, to preceptors, to other students. I have met some of my best friends through this program.

Share one memory that sticks out from your time as a student at Carver College of Medicine?

My favorite memory was Ryan’s special PowerPoints that he made for our class to make us laugh. He would always come up with something funny to wake us up on a Monday morning and add in some humor.