University announces 2018 Staff Excellence Award winners

Date: Monday, October 22, 2018

Carver College of Medicine and UI Hospitals & Clinics staff members were represented well among the 2018 honorees for a variety of University and Board of Regents awards recognizing outstanding teaching, service, and research. 

Highlighted among the following awards were these individuals representing UI Health Care.

Iowa Now carries the complete list of award winners and further details on the accomplishments of each recipient.

The Board of Regents Staff Excellence Award

  • Scott Dailey, PhD, MA, CCC-SLP, speech pathologist at UI Stead Family Children’s Hospital
  • Janie Knipper, RN, MA, AE-C, MAACVPR, clinical practice leader in the Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program
  • Erin Rindels, senior coordinator for the Comprehensive Stroke Center

The University of Iowa Outstanding Staff Excellence Award

  • Deng-Fu Guo, PhD, assistant research scientist in the Department of Pharmacology
  • Karen Johnson, RN, research manager in neonatology in the Stead Family Department of Pediatrics
  • Tom Moninger, assistant director of the Central Microscopy Research Facility

The David J. Skorton Award for Staff Excellence in Service to the University of Iowa

  • Robin Paetzold, director of global health programs and instructor in the Stead Family Department of Pediatrics

The Board of Regents Award for Faculty Excellence

  • Barry Carter, PharmD, FCCP, FAHA, FASH, FAPHA, professor of pharmacy and family medicine and director of the Cardiovascular Risk Service research lab
  • Donna Hammond, PhD, professor of pharmacology and anesthesia and principal investigator for the Pain Research Program

The Michael J. Brody Award for Faculty Excellence in Service

  • Charles Lynch, MD, PhD, professor of epidemiology and medical director of the Iowa Cancer Registry
  • Nicole Nisly, MD, clinical professor of internal medicine and advocate for recruitment and retention of diverse faculty and students

The President and Provost Award for Teaching Excellence

  • Manish Suneja, MD, professor of internal medicine and part of the team that developed the new medical curriculum