About the Center
The overall goal of the Iowa Cystic Fibrosis Research Center is to understand Cystic Fibrosis (CF) from the level of the gene to the person and to use this knowledge to develop new therapies.
Strategies for achieving this goal are:
A Critical Mass of Investigators
The Center comprises a critical mass of basic and clinical scientists approaching key problems in CF. The Center is fortunate to have many extraordinary senior and junior investigators. Considered as individual scientists, they are outstanding. However, the Center is more than just the sum of these individuals because they interact exceptionally well in a dynamic, stimulating environment focused on CF. The approach is broad-based and multidisciplinary. Center investigators have made important discoveries in many areas of CF research, and their findings have helped lead the field, often in exciting new directions. Discoveries by Center investigators have also led to many potential new therapies and are hastening the transfer of basic knowledge to patients.
The Center emphasises flexibility. It shifts resources as needed to rapidly seize research opportunities when they arise and to pursue new directions and attract young investigators. Program enrichment activities keep Center members aware of central issues, new directions and collaborative opportunities.
The Center supports several cores:
- In Vitro Models and Cell Culture Core
- Morphology Core
- Clinical Research Core
- Bioinformatics Core
- Gene Transfer Vector Core
These cores provide specialized expertise, develop new methodologies, attract new scientists, and serve as a catalyst for CF research. Development of an Animal Core and Imaging Core are underway to seize opportunities presented by newly developed CF models.
The Center supports fellowships in CF-related research. Several former fellows are now on faculty.
Interaction with the Clinical CF Center
The CF Research Center interacts closely with the Clinical Center to facilitate translation of basic science to patients and to encourage clinical research.
The Center has brought significant extramural support. In addition to a large number of individual NIH and foundation awards, the Center provided the impetus to attract support for several Programs and Centers.
Contact Information
Michael Welsh, M.D,