Harmit Malik: Rules of Engagement: Molecular Arms Races Between Primate and Viral Genomes

Harmit Malik is a biologist, a member of the USA National Academy of Sciences, and a Howard Hughes Medical Investigator. His research focuses on genetic conflict and has direct implications for understanding human disease. Dr. Malik will also give a talk for the public, “Paleovirology: Ghosts and Gifts of Ancient Viruses,” on Saturday, April 13.
This talk is part of Iowa City Darwin Day Science Fest, a two-day celebration of science designed to promote scientific literacy and increase public awareness of the contributions of science to society. These events include seminar talks and public lectures by nationally known scientists who engage with and explain their work to the public. Our featured speakers for the 2024 events on April 12 and 13 are Harmit Malik and Joseph Graves. All talks are free and open to all.
Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to attend all University of Iowa–sponsored events. If you are a person with a disability who requires a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in this program, please contact Deirdre Egan in advance at (319)335-0188 or deirdre-egan@uiowa.edu