UI Facilities Management FM@YourService University of Iowa Facilities Management portal for reporting maintenance issues, ordering keys, project requests and quotes. Contact 335-5071 in the event of a facilities emergency.
Custodial Services Common space areas such as copy rooms, conference rooms, classrooms, restrooms, hallways and lobbies are cleaned (vacuumed, floors mopped and trash disposed of) on a daily basis Monday-Friday. Labs are cleaned (floors mopped and trash disposed of) two times per week. Currently cleaning services to offices, administrative spaces, and cubicles are suspended until Spring 2022. This allows custodial staff to concentrate extra efforts towards sanitizing touch-points and refilling sanitation stations. Occupants can dispose of trash by placing tied trash bag outside of office or lab in hallway. Excess recycling should be taken to large recycling bins located in central locations. To request a room be vacuumed, or other custodial service questions please put through a maintenance request via the FM@YourService portal.
Facilities Requisitions University of Iowa Facilities Management requisitions should be done via the FM@YourService portal. Paper requisitions to CCOM Facilities office can be faxed to 335-7250 or emailed.
Recycling Recycling should be placed in blue centrally located bins. For questions regarding Campus recycling contact the Facilities Management Office of Sustainability.
Shutdown Notices Shutdown notices and fire alarm testing notices are sent out via email by building. Please contact Jennifer Yoder to be added to the building you reside in, or a building housing your equipment or animals. If you wish to be added to the CCOM Alert System, this would be alerts for emergent situations only and usually only one or less alert per year, please provide your cell phone number.
Surplus Items to be surplused must have a completed Surplus Removal Request, marked with either lab tape or post it note "Surplus" and left in lab or office, not in a hallway. If your surplus item is within a locked lab, please let Surplus know whom to contact to gain access.
Telephone and Data Services University of Iowa Information Technology Services supports all data and land lines in College of Medicine buildings. New service, changes to existing services and questions please contact ITS Telephone & Voice Services.
Bicycle Policy Bicycles should not be in CCOM buildings. There are multiple bike racks to utilize, including a Bicycle Repair Station located on the south side of EMRB.
Digital Signage Information regarding digital signage and submission process requests can be found here.
Grilling Policy The University of Iowa grilling policy can be found here.
University of Iowa Operations Manual
Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) are located in CBRB 1289 corridor by Kelch, MEB 1-260 corridor, MERF 1st floor south Atrium, PBDB 1st floor southeast elevator lobby. A map of AED locations on campus, and additional information can be found here.
Fire Extinguishers An Employees Guide to Using Fire Extinguishers, and additional contact information for training and questions can be found here.
Lactation Rooms There are lactation rooms located on the College of Medicine campus in the following buildings: BSB, EMRB, MERF, ML, PBDB. Please contact Lisa Crawford for assistance. A map of all UI Campus locations and additional resources can be found here.
Lost & Found Most items are turned into the CCOM Facilities office, please contact Lisa Crawford. Some items are also turned into UI Campus Lost & Found.
Maps Campus Maps and general building information can be found here.
Restroom Locations A map with single-user, gender inclusive restrooms can be found here.
Shared Equipment Laboratory resources and shared equipment can be found on the CCOM Office of Research page here.