Research Lab Resources

Biochemistry Stores  Located at 4-321 BSB, additional information and hours can be found here.  Currently the northwest, southeast and west facing dock doors of BSB are unlocked 7:30AM-5:00PM, Monday-Friday. 

Biohazardous Waste Tubs  Instructions for preparing containers for disposal can be found here.

Biomedical Research Store  Located at 238 EMRB, additional information and hours can be found here.  Currently the northwest entrance of EMRB is unlocked 7:30AM-5:00PM, Monday-Friday. 

CCOM Laboratory Surplus  The Office of Research and Office of Facilities Management and Planning are making unwanted laboratory equipment, supplies and furniture available to occupants in Carver College of Medicine buildings prior to removal by University Surplus.  Photos of available items can be viewed on Flickr.  Please contact Amber Jackson-Elwer in the Office of Research if interested in possible surplus solutions for your needs or to advertise surplus items in your department.  Due to limited storage capacity, items will be available for a limited time. 

Core Facilities  The Core Research Facilities are a collection of centralized laboratories dedicated to developing and providing state-of-the-art research resources to facilitate biomedical research.  Information on these core facilities can be found here.

Custodial Services  The custodial team works evenings 5:30PM-1:00AM, cleaning labs, common space areas, restrooms, classrooms and conference rooms nightly.   Excess trash can be bagged and placed outside the lab/office door in the hallway.  Excess recycling should be taken to centrally located bins.  Office are not on a cleaning schedule, if you would like your office vacuumed place a service order with FM@YourService Contact Jennifer Yoder with questions.  

Deliveries  For questions regarding large item deliveries to the loading docks, please contact Robert Bontrager.  

Environmental Health and Safety  Link to EHS can be found here

CCOM Shared Laboratory Equipment  The College of Medicine Facilities Office provides and maintains shared laboratory equipment to support research activities in interdisciplinary research space.  This equipment includes autoclaves, laboratory glassware washers, film developers and ice machines.  Instructional information regarding this equipment can be found here

If you experience shared laboratory equipment issues or need access email

CBRB 1260, 2260, 3260, 4260, 5260 *unlocked Mon-Fri, 6:30AM-6:00PM    
EMRB 40 *unlocked 24/7 38 *unlocked 24/7  
MERF 2213, 3213, 4213, 5213 *unlocked Mon-Fri, 6:30AM-6:00PM   3223, 4223 *unlocked Mon-Fri, 6:30AM-6:00PM 
ML 1159 *locked 24/7*    
PBDB 1437, 2417, 3417, 4417, 5417, 6417 *locked 24/7 1437, 2417, 3417, 4417, 5417, 6417 *locked 24/7 3307 *locked 24/7