Research Opportunities

Inflammation Program at the University of Iowa 

Postdoctoral fellowships are available in several laboratories in the Inflammation Program at the University of Iowa and Dr.William Nauseef invites applicants for postdoctoral positions for NIH funded research grants to investigate several aspects of human neutrophil biology.

Openings are currently available on several projects, including

  1.  a project to study the interactions of Staphylococcus aureus and human neutrophils
  2. projects to elucidate the roles of myeloperoxidase and the NADPH oxidase to overall neutrophil function. 

Qualified candidates for these positions are expected to have a strong publication record and excellent references from their Ph.D. research. Experience in biochemistry, protein chemistry, molecular biology, and/or microbiology is relevant.

A distinctive feature of our laboratory is its integration with other groups and projects within our Inflammation Program. Applicants are strongly encouraged to examine other labs within the group, as they likewise offer remarkable experiences.

A recent survey of postdoctoral fellows by the journal The Scientist ranked the University of Iowa as the top research university for postdocs in North America and the fifth-best research institution overall.

Send curriculum vitae and names of three references who can be contacted directly to:

Dr. William M. Nauseef

Inflammation Program

Carver College of Medicine, University of Iowa

2501 Crosspark Road

Coralville, IA 52241

or send an email to: