2018-19 Chief Residents Announced

The following is a statement from Residency Program Director Dr. Manish Suneja.

It is with great pride that I announce the 2018-19 Chief Residents for the Internal Medicine Residency Program.

The Chief Residents are chosen for their leadership skills, moral integrity, and clinical acumen and are the most representative faces of the Internal Medicine Residency Program for the year. The Chief Residency represents the largest investment in leadership made by the Department, but the return on this investment is immeasurable.

We look forward to our Chief Residents serving as teachers, role models, and colleagues to our residents. Please join us in congratulating Carolyn, Nicole, Bryce, and Jennifer on their success! We look forward to their leadership.

Dr. Suneja also asked them to briefly describe why they were interested in the position of Chief Resident and what they hope to accomplish in the role. We will feature a longer introduction to the new Chiefs when they formally take office next year.

Dr. Bryce Duchman

As a future chief resident, I greatly look forward to engaging my fellow residents and identifying ways to further excel resident learning and clinical skill development. My personal goals include continuing to expand my medical knowledge, clinical decision-making skills, and teaching skills as I prepare for a future fellowship in Pulmonary/Critical Care. Overall, I am very excited to have the opportunity to build on the strong foundation & reputation that our administration and former chief residents have helped forge for our residency program.

Dr. Nicole Grogan

As someone who has pursued all of her medical education in Iowa City (Go Hawks!), I am excited to contribute to a residency program that has already given me so much. I ultimately want to be involved in a residency program throughout my career. I'm looking forward to working with residents, faculty, and future recruits to ensure that Iowa remains an excellent place for Internal Medicine training.

Dr. Carolyn Hilliard

I decided to apply for Chief because I love academic medicine and working with residents and medical students. I want to stay in academic medicine for the duration of my career as both a teaching physician and as part of program leadership.

Dr. Jennifer Langstengel

I am excited to be chief resident, where I will be working on Quality Improvement at the Iowa City VA Medical Center. My main project will be studying and improving patient handoffs and safe transitioning between shifts by members of the medical team. A chief resident is a bridge between students, residents, and attending physician, through teaching and role modeling, and I look forward to this dynamic and fulfilling challenge.