

Faro leads project to improve Midwestern new moms’ mental health
Elissa Faro, PhD, assistant professor in General Internal Medicine, leads a 5-year, $3.79M R01 project funded by the National Institute for Mental Health (NIMH) aims to improve maternal mental health care through a combination of innovative methods with a foundation in social justice focused on centering the experiences of birthing people, families, and front-line professionals.

Internal Medicine team receives 2024 Culturally Responsive Health Care Award
At the beginning of last month’s Culturally Responsive Health Care in Iowa conference, Drs. Rachel Anderson, Adam Blaine, Katherine Harris, Krista Johnson, Tyler Maggio, Laurel Smeins, Alice Xu, and Kathie Zhang were presented the 2024 Culturally Responsive Health Care Award for the care provided to underserved patients in partnership with the Iowa City Free Medical and Dental Clinic (FMC).

Reisinger named new liaison between HCCC and ICTS
Heather Reisinger, PhD, professor in General Internal Medicine and the Institute for Clinical and Translational Science (ICTS) Associate Director of Engagement, Integration, and Implementation, is joining the Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center (HCCC) as a liaison between ICTS and HCCC.

Perencevich named new editor in chief of JAMA Network Open
Eli Perencevich, MD, MS, has been named the editor in chief of JAMA Network Open. Perencevich is the associate chair for clinical and health services research and professor of internal medicine, and the director of the Center for Access & Delivery Research and Evaluation (CADRE) at the Iowa City VA Medical Center.

Implementation science in Internal Medicine
Heather Schacht Reisinger, PhD has been asked to build a research core at the University of Iowa’s Institute for Clinical and Translational Science (ICTS) as the Associate Director of Engagement, Integration, and Implementation (EII).

Kaboli appointed Executive Director, Office of Rural Health
Peter J. Kaboli, MD, MS has been appointed Executive Director (ED), Office of Rural Health (ORH) within the Office of Patient Care Services (PCS), Veterans Health Administration, effective January 14, 2024.


Addressing vaccine hesitancy in theory and in practice
Assistant Professor in General Internal Medicine, Aaron Scherer, PhD, is the primary investigator (PI) for a large, cooperative agreement with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to conduct surveys on immunization-related issues with health care professionals and the general public. His and his team’s work help inform the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), which makes vaccination recommendations.