Benjamin Davis, MD, PhD
Clinical Associate Professor and Interim Director
Division of Immunology
The Division of Immunology: Rheumatology and Allergy envisions and endeavors to be the regional and national Leaders in Immunology
The Division’s goals in bringing our vision to fruition include excellence in the development of new knowledge, outstanding patient care, strong medical leadership and innovative medical education.
The development of new knowledge encompasses our desire for robust research programs in basic immunobiology, vigorous patient-centered research of patient experiences at the University of Iowa and beyond, and translational research that links emerging basic immunobiologic concepts to more clinically related developments.
To provide outstanding patient care, we will be the destination for people with immunologic, allergic, autoimmune or autoinflammatory conditions that are difficult to diagnose and/or manage. We will utilize literature-based assessments and recommendations. In addition, we will successfully grow and market the infrastructure needed for clinical trials of new medical therapies.
Our goal of innovative medical education dictates that we will be the teachers of immunology for all levels and types of learners. We will apply advances in medical care and medical education in all our educational endeavors. We will assess those methods, creatively develop new techniques, measure their outcomes and communicate the results to the to the medical and patient communities.
Medical Leadership: The Division believes that to successfully become regional and national Leaders in Immunology, we must encourage leadership at all related organizational entities, such as specialty societies, journals and publications, in addition to leadership within our own institution. We will encourage and mentor junior colleagues to develop their leadership skills.
Shared Values
The people of the Division will help each other to stay happy and healthy as a group and as individuals, working towards our vision of Leadership in Immunology. We will actively search for bright, motivated and talented individuals to join us who are excited by our vision and share our basic values.