Reading List

Reading List

Master Clinician

  1. Professionalism and ‘the master clinician’ – an early learning experience.  Fishbein, RH.  J Eval Clin Pract. 2000 Aug; 6(3):241-243.
  2. Is the Master Clinician Dead?  McLennan, G.  Acad Med. 2001 June; 76(6):617-619.
  3. John B. Barlow:  Master Clinician and Compleat Cardiologist.  Cheng, TO.  Clin Cardiol. 2000; 23:66-67.
  4. Franklin H. Epstien:  Reminiscences of a Brilliant Physician-Scientist and Master Clinician.  Forrest, JN Jr.  Amer Soc Neph 2009.
  5. W. Proctor Harvey:  A Master Clinician-Teacher’s Influence on the History of Cardiovascular Medicine.  March, SK.  Tex Heart Inst J. 2002; 29(3):182-192.
  6. Lessons from a Master Clinician.  Hachinski, V.  Practical Neurology 2006; 6:52-54.

Diagnostic/Clinical Reasoning

  1. Bowen, Judith L. Educational Strategies to Promote Clinical Diagnostic Reasoning. N Engl J Med 2006;355:2217-25.
  2. Logio, Lia. PDF icon Teaching, Evaluating, and Remediating Clinical Reasoning. Academic Internal Medicine Insight 2010;8(1)12-17.
  3. Croskerry, Pat. Clinical cognition and diagnostic error: applications of a dual process model of reasoning. Adv in Health Sci Educ (2009) 14:27–35.
  4. Norman, Geoffrey R. & Eva, Kevin W. Diagnostic error and clinical reasoning. Medical Education 2010: 44: 94–100.
  5. Nendaza, Mathieu & Perriera, Arnaud. Diagnostic errors and flaws in clinical reasoning: mechanisms and prevention in practice. Swiss Med Wkly. 2012;142:w13706.
  6. Croskerry, Pat. Clinical cognition and diagnostic error: applications of a dual process model of reasoning. Adv in Health Sci Educ (2009) 14:27–35

Clinical Teaching

  1. Enhancing Teaching Effectiveness and Vitality in the Ambulatory Setting.  Skeff, KM.  J Gen Int Med 1988; 3(Mar/Apr Supplement): S26-S27.
  2. What Clinical Teachers in Medicine Need to Know.  Irby, DM.  Acad Med. 1994 May; 69(5):333-342.
  3. A New Model for Recognizing and Rewarding the Educational Accomplishments of Surgery Faculty. Sachdeva, AK, Cohen, R, Dayton, MT, et al.  Acad Med. 1999; 74(12):1278-1287.
  4. Teaching Clinical Medicine in the Ambulatory Setting:  An Idea Whose Time May Have Finally Come.  Perkoff, GT.  N Engl J Med. 1986; 314(1):27-31.
  5. The On-line Clinical Teaching Perception Inventory:  A “Snapshot” of Medical Teachers.  Morrison, EH, Hitchcock, MA, Harthill, M, et al.  Fam Med. 2005 Jan; 37(1):48-53.
  6. Characteristics of Effective Clinical Teachers.  Buchel, TL, and Edwards, FD.  Fam Med. 2005 Jan; 37(1):30-35.
  7. An Inventory to Improve Clinical Teaching in the General Internal Medicine Clinic.  Hewson, MGA’B, and Jensen, NM.  Med Educ. 1990; 24:518-527.

Role Modeling

coming soon


  1. Evaluation of Clinical Teaching by General Internal Medicine Faculty in Outpatient and Inpatient Settings.  Ramsbottom-Lucier, MT, Gillmore, GM, Irby, DM, and Ramsey, PG.  Acad Med. 1994 Feb; 69(2):152-154.
  2. Evaluating Clinical Teaching in Medicine.  Irby, D, and Rakestraw, P.  J Med Educ. 1981 March; 56:181-186.
  3. Advancing Assessment and Self-Assessment:  The State of Evaluation in Internal Medicine Residency.  Chaudhry, SI, Holmboe, E, and Beasley, BW.  J Gen Intern Med. 2008; 23(7):1010-1015.
  4. Factors Affecting Ratings of Clinical Teachers by Medical Students and Residents.  Irby, DM, Gillmore, GM, and Ramsey, PG.  J Med Educ. 1987 Jan; 62:1-7.
  5. Cognitive, Social and Environmental Sources of Bias in Clinical Performance Ratings.  Williams, RG, Klamen, DA, and McGaghie, WC.  Teaching and Learning in Medicine. 2003; 15(4):270-292.


  1. Mentoring in Academic Medicine:  A Systematic Review.  Sambunjak, D, Straus, SD, and Marusic, A.  JAMA. 2006 Sept; 296(9):1103-1115.
  2. Junior Faculty’s Perspectives on Mentoring.  Chew, D, Watanabe, JM, Buchwald, D., and Lessler, SD.  Acad Med. 2003 June; 78(6):652.
  3. Mentoring for Clinician-Educators.  Farrell, SE, Digiola, NM, Broderick, KB, and Coates, WC.  Acad Emerg Med. 2004 Dec; 11(12):1346-1350.

Educational Leadership

coming soon

Faculty Development

  1. AAIM Report on Master Teachers and Clinician Educators 
    - Part 1: Needs and Skills.  Geraci, SA, Babbott, SF, Hollander, H., et al.  Am J Med. 2010 Aug; 123(8):769-773.
    - Part 2:  Faculty Development and Training.  Geraci, SA, Kovach, RA, Babbott, SF, et al.  Am J Med. 2010 Sept; 123 (9):869-872.
    - Part 3:  Finances and Resourcing.  Geraci, SA, Devine, DR, Babbott, SF, et al.  Am J Med.  2010 Oct; 123(10): 963-967.
    - Part 4:  Faculty Role and Scholarship.  Geraci, SA, Hollander, H, Babbott, SF, et al.  Am J Med.  2010 Nov; 123(11):1065-1069.
    - Part 5:  Academic Documentation and Tenure.  Geraci, SA, Buranosky, R, Babbott, SF, et al.  Am J Med.  2010 Dec; 123(12):1151-1154.
  2. Strategies for Improving Teaching Practices:  A Comprehensive Approach to Faculty Development.  Wilkerson, L, and Irby, DM.  Acad Med. 1998 April; 73(4):387-396.
  3. The Stanford Faculty Development Program:  A Dissemination Approach to Faculty Development for Medical Teachers.  Skeff, KM, Stratos, GA, Bergen, MR, et al.  Teaching and Learning in Medicine.  1992; 4(3):180-187.
  4. Faculty Development: A Resource for Clinical Teachers.  Skeff, KM, Stratos, GA, Mygdal, W, et al.  J Gen Int Med. 1997 April; 12(Supplement 2):S56-S63.
  5. Mentoring for Clinician-Educators.  Farrell, SE, Digiola, NM, Broderick, KB, and Coates, WC.  Acad Emerg Med. 2004 Dec; 11(12):1346-1350.