Eligibility criteria for external candidates
The University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine accepts external candidates for the Internal Medicine Sub-Internship only from the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) accredited medical institutions within the Unites States. A list of LCME accredited programs can be found using the following link: http://lcme.org/directory/
Curriculum Overview
This curriculum will combine eighty percent hands-on clinical experience in general internal medicine and cardiology, with twenty percent applied to advanced clinical knowledge. The curriculum will continue to evolve based on medical students’ and faculty constructive feedback.
Mission: To develop skills related to the medical management of hospitalized patients while functioning semi-independently with a level of responsibility and supervision similar to a first year resident.
Top Priorities: Professionalism, interpersonal and communication skills, practice-based learning, patient care, medical knowledge and systems-based practice.
Application: Subintern students will apply concepts and strategies discussed during teaching sessions and clinical rounds directly to their patient care interactions.
Student Expectations
Outline and Teaching Methods
During Internal Medicine Subinternship, in addition to hands-on patient care experience students are going to be involved in multiple clinical and teaching activities to enhance their knowledge gain and clinical skills. Some of these activities include:
- Quality Improvement and Patient Safety
- Polypharmacy Initiative/High Value Care: Interactive hybrid workshop involving EPIC-based exercise and artificial models; small group discussions
- Evidence Based Medicine: simulation exercise and small group discussions
- Professionalism: reflection, small group discussions
- Oral case presentations
- Patient-doctor conversation
- Effective note writing skills
- Bedside physical exam rounds
- Patients hand-off
- Qbank
- Teaching sessions
- Residency Core curriculum Conferences
- Internal Medicine Grand Rounds
Carver College of Medicine subinterns working as a team during polypharmacy workshop, 2017
For questions, please contact the Internal Medicine Education Center:

Milena A. Gebska, MD, PhD, MME
Directror, Advanced Inpatient Sub-Internship in Internal Medicine
Phone: 319-353-6805
Email: milena-gebska@uiowa.edu

Kathleen Steenlage
Sub-Internship Clerkship Coordinator
Phone: 319-356-2333
Email: kathleen-steenlage@uiowa.edu