University Resources - By Category

The Core Research Facilities are a collection of centralized laboratories dedicated to developing and providing state-of-the-art research resources to facilitate biomedical research. They are available on a fee-for-service basis to the entire health sciences community as well as outside entities.

Facilities available to Carver College of Medicine investigators include:

University of Iowa Researcher Handoook
This electronic guide is designed to assist all researchers (new and existing) as they navigate the complex research environment at the University of Iowa.

Animal Resources
Office of Animal Resource (OAR) OAR Contacts
Comparative Pathology Laboratory   Paul Naumann
Genome Editing Facility (formerly the Transgenic and Genome Manipulation Core Facility) William Paradee, PhD
Metabolic Phenotyping Core Jamie Soto
Small Animal Imaging Facility John Sunderland, PhD
Tissue Procurement Core Facility C. Michael Knudson, PhD
Bioengineering, Biosafety Labs and cGMP Facilities
Bioengineering Services Dennis Wilson
Biosafety Level III Laboratories  Dana Ries
Center for Biocatalysis and Bioprocessing Mani Subramanian, PhD
Mitch Rotman 
Viral Resources
Viral Vector Core Facility (formerly the Gene Transfer Vector Core Facility) Kate Holt, PhD