Iowa Neuroscience Institute Workshop: Cerebellum in Bipolar Disorder and Other Neuropsychiatric Diseases
Dec 31, 1969
September 21
Graduate Hotel
210 S. Dubuque St, Iowa City, IA 52245
This workshop offers two days of speakers focused on the latest research on the cerebellum. Registration is FREE:
Featured speakers include:
- Sascha DuLac, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
- Cherie Marvel, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
- Francis McMahon, NIMH
- Harry Orr, U of Minnesota
- Steve Strakowski, U of Texas-Austin
- Catherine Stoodley, American University
- John Welsh, U of Washington
- UI faculty members Aaron Boes, John Freeman, Bernd Fritzch, Vince Magnotta, Peggy Nopolous, Krystal Parker, Greta Sokoloff, John Wemmie, Virginia Willour, Aislinn Williams
Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to attend all University of Iowa–sponsored events. If you are a person with a disability who requires a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in this program, please contact Meghan Lawler in advance at (319)384-3754 or