
Three University of Iowa undergraduates, Megan Hynd, Elizabeth Kruse, and Madison Merfeld, have won the 2019 Iowa Neuroscience Institute Summer Scholar Awards. The INI Summer Scholar Program supports Iowa undergraduates planning to pursue research during the summer in the lab of an INI faculty...
UI researchers led by Sam Young, PhD, have just published findings from a study using innovative technologies to better understand signaling capacity between neurons, leading to a new understanding of how the strength of information flow in the brain is controlled. ( read more )
The National Academy of Inventors (NAI) has named University of Iowa neurosurgeon and entrepreneur Matthew Howard, M.D., a 2018 fellow. A member of the Pappajohn Biomedical Institue, Howard he has invented multiple pioneering medical devices that address unmet medical needs and improve patient care...
Gen Shinozaki, MD, associate professor of psychiatry, received the Dlin/Fisher Clinical Research Award at the Academy of Consultation Liaison Psychiatry Annual Meeting last month. Shinozaki was recognized for his outstanding work in using a novel EEG device to screen for delirium. ( read more )
With a finding that will “rewrite neuroanatomy textbooks,” INI's Aaron Boes, Joel Geerling, and colleagues show that the thalamus is not a critical part of the brain pathway involved in keeping humans awake and conscious. ( read more )
Three teams of researchers have won Accelerator Grants from the Iowa Neuroscience Institute (INI). These grants support high-impact neuroscience research in areas that are new or add value to existing research by branching in a new direction. “Creativity is a hallmark of the University of Iowa and...
Ted Abel, PhD, University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine faculty member and director of the Iowa Neuroscience Institute at the UI, will serve as interim chair and departmental executive officer of the Department of Pharmacology. ( read more )
Director’s Report, Fall 2018 Welcome new faculty Deniz Atasoy , Assistant Professor of Pharmacology PhD, Neuroscience, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Postdoctoral Fellow, Janelia Research Campus, HHMI The Atasoy Lab is focued on neural circuits that regulate feeding behavior and...
UI officials, including President J. Bruce Harreld, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Interim Dean Joseph Kearney, and psychological and brain sciences faculty spoke at a groundbreaking ceremony Oct. 8 to celebrate the new building that will transform the department’s teaching and research, and...
UI doctors and researchers, including INI Director Ted Abel, work to shine light on the third of our lives we spend in the dark. ( read more )