
The Iowa Neuroscience Institute’s new Neural Circuits and Behavior Core (NCBC) is open to support members of the University of Iowa community. The NCBC was created to enable UI researchers to investigate neural circuit function in health and disease using tools that are often not available within...
Jan Wessel, assistant professor of neurology and of psychological and brain sciences, has been awarded a National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award. The award is $750,000 over 5 years. The CAREER award is the most prestigious NSF honor for junior faculty and...
A German researcher and clinician, who recently joined the Iowa Neuroscience Institute (INI) and psychiatry faculty, is combining genetics and neuroimaging to investigate how brain structure is altered in autism and schizophrenia. “It is absolutely intriguing to me that psychiatric disorders have a...
Although brain research has seen many major advancements over the past few decades, neuroscientists still face a huge limitation in not having access to human brain tissue for molecular and genetic research. Until recently, researchers had to rely on post-mortem brains or animal models to study...
University of Iowa Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Neuroscience student, Benjamin De Corte, has won the Kwak-Ferguson Fellowship, a $10,000 award from the Iowa Neuroscience Institute for an upper level graduate student working in the area of neurodegenerative diseases. His research in the lab...
Mark Niciu, MD, PhD, one of the newest members of the Iowa Neuroscience Institute, is studying the antidepressant mechanisms of an experimental drug that has shown to bring patients relief within hours. ( Read more )
The Iowa Neuroscience Institute has named undergraduates Samantha Bral, Nicole Hehr, and Stephen Kruse its 2018 Summer Scholars. The INI Summer Scholar Program supports Iowa undergraduates planning to pursue research during the summer in the lab of an INI faculty member. As INI Summer Scholars, the...
The University of Iowa Graduate College recognized INI Associate Director Joshua Weiner for extraordinary contribution to graduate education through mentoring graduate students. The UI Postdoctoral Association presented INI's Kathleen Sluka with the Outstanding Postdoctoral Mentor Award. ( read...
Donna Hammond, PhD, received an R01 grant award entitled “Mechanistic Studies of the Natural Product Nicotinamide Riboside for Relief of Painful Sensory Neuropathy.” ( Read more )
University of Iowa researchers, led by INI's Daniel Tranel, professor of neurology, show evidence that damage to the ventromedial prefrontal cortex may lead to inconsistency between one's thoughts and actions in real-world decision-making. ( read more )