Gaine, Zhang win INI Williams-Cannon Fellowships for neurodegeneration research

Two University of Iowa faculty members have been awarded Williams-Cannon Faculty Fellowships through the Iowa Neuroscience Institute. Marie Gaine, PhD, assistant professor of pharmaceutical sciences and experimental therapeutics, and Qiang (Johnson) Zhang, PhD, clinical assistant professor of neurology, will each receive $47,500 in research funding.

Autism combined with high IQ increases risk of suicidal thoughts

Twice exceptional youth—children who have a diagnosis of autism and who also have exceptional cognitive ability—are at increased the risk of suicidal thoughts, according to a recent study by researchers at the University of Iowa. Led by Jacob Michaelson and Lucas Casten, the study is the largest genetically informed study to date of risk factors for suicidal thoughts in autistic youth, and the first to examine the relationship between autism, exceptional cognitive ability, suicidal thoughts, and genetics across multiple large samples of children.

University of Iowa researchers confirm stress link in the brain

In a new study, University of Iowa researchers, led by Jason Radley, PhD, confirmed a neural circuit linking two separate regions in the brain governs how animals, including humans, react to a stressful situation. Through experiments, the researchers showed how rats responded to a threat either passively or actively—and linked each reaction to a specific pathway in the brain.