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Combined Open and Endoscopic Removal of Parotid Stone (sialendoscopy case example)

last modified on: Mon, 09/18/2023 - 15:56

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return to: SialendoscopySalivary Gland Surgery Protocols; SialolithiasisSialograms and SialographyUCSF Sialendoscopy Nov 4 2015 Complex Cases

see also: Endoscopic stone management: Intermediate Sized/Lasers/External Lecture LSU New Orleans (Hoffman) Feb 1-2 2014


71 yo with left parotid swelling beginning 5 years previously requiring repeated courses of antibiotics. Two stones seen on CT are also palpable close to the hilum (palpable through cheek skin) and close to puncta intra-orally (palpable within the mouth). Salivary function preserving surgery was done with combined approach employing sialendoscopy as well as open approach to the duct via pre-auricular incision.


Followup after suture removal with good salivary flow from left Stensens duct
