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Tracheostomy and Upper Airway Management Symposium July 30 2016 IAO and SOHN Iowa City Iowa

last modified on: Thu, 03/28/2024 - 22:15

see also: links below for protocols relevant to each presentation such as: Difficult AirwayAdult Airway in the Operating RoomHeliox for the difficult airway

comprehensive listing of protocols: Tracheotomy, Tracheostomy & Modifications

Kara Bylund                                                        
Chapter Administrator
Iowa Academy of Otolaryngology 515 E. Locust Street, Suite 400
Des Moines, IA 50309
Ph: (515) 421-4776 or (800)747-3070 
FAX: (515)223-0590 CELL: (515) 249-7361
Continuing Education Credit
   Approved for 5.5 Credits CME (Physician)
   Approved for  0.61 Credits CEU (Nursing)
   Forms available at site for ASHA Credits (Speech-Language Pathologists)

Tracheostomy and Upper Airway Management Symposium
For: Otolaryngology, Pulmonary Medicine, General Surgery, Anesthesia, Speech Pathology, Nursing

Invited Lecturers:
Tim McCulloch MD Univ of Wisconsin
Dennis Hill – ‘My life with a tracheostomy’
Sponsored by the Iowa Academy of Otolaryngology and
The Society of Head and Neck Nursing

July 30, 2016
The Park Lodge at Terry Trueblood Recreation Area                         
579 McCollister Blvd Iowa City Iowa  52240

7:30 -8:50 am Registration  +  Coffee
(7:30 – 8:50 am Option to practice with mannequins and equipment)
8:50–9:00 Introductions (Karlene Fuller RN SOHN; Henry Hoffman MD IAO) - CME forms (paper) available on site - also to be emailed post-course (with evaluations)
9:00–9:20 History of Tracheostomy (Brian Wayson ARNP Respiratory Specialty and Comprehensive Care Unit)
     Password protected video: Tracheotomy Video from 1950's password protected
9:25–9:45 Tracheostomy Overview  (Henry Hoffman MD Oto) 
     Click to protocols: (Tracheotomy - Tracheostomy); Tracheostomy Overview Lecture password protected
9:50–10:05 Percutaneous Tracheotomy (Dionne Skeete MD Gen Surg)
     Click to protocols: Percutaneous Tracheotomy - Dilation; Case Example Percutaneous Tracheotomy 
10:10–10:25 Pediatric Tracheostomy (Richard Smith MD Oto)
     Click to protocols: Pediatric Tracheotomy     

10:25 – 10:50 Coffee Break and Meet with Vendors

10:50 – 11:20 “Pre-trach” for at-risk Airway (Tim McCulloch MD Oto)
11:25 – 11:40 Speech Pathologists and Tracheotomy Management - Passy-Muir and More (Jocelen Hamilton SLP)
     Click to protocols: Passy Muir Valve and Provox XtraBase baseplate following four flap epithelial lined tracheotomy with thyroid isthmusectomy and anterior cervical lipectomy
11:45-12:00  Nursing Care for Tracheostomy (Meg Colwill RN & Jackie English RN)
     Click to protocols: Tracheostomy Home Care Booklet; Tracheotomy stoma care with betadine Tracheostomal care with povidone iodine Tracheostomy stomal care; Montgomery Canula Tracheotomy
12:00- 1:00 Lunch  (Box Lunch Provided)

1:00 – 1:15 My Life With a Tracheostomy (Dennis Hill)
1:20 -1:40 Management of Subglottic Stenosis (Tim McCulloch MD Oto)
     Click to protocols: Subglottic stenosis

1:45 – 1:55 10 minute primer on PFT’s (PIF, PIMax) (Jeff Wilson MD Pulm)
      Click to protocols: 10 Minute Primer on PFTs Lecture 07 30 2016
              Spirometry PIF Peak Inspiratory Flow; Pulmonary Function Testing (PFT) made simple
              Case Example 1: Subglottic Stenosis due to Wegener's Granulomatosis

2:00 – 2:30 Interventional Bronchoscopy (Karl Thomas MD Pulm)

2:30 – 3:00 Coffee Break Meet with Vendors

3:00–3:30 Difficult Airway Algorithm(LMA + more) (Ron Abrons MD Anesth) 
      Click to protocols:  Adult Airway in the Operating Room; Emergency Airway Cart

3:30- 3:45 Heliox for the Compromised Airway (W Kirke Rodgers MD Anesth)  
       Click to protocols: Heliox for the difficult airway   
3:45 -- 4:30 Illustrative Case Reports of Upper Airway Management [Moderator Doug Van Daele: Panelists Tim McCulloch, Richard Smith, Harry Hoffman]
 --- Posterior Glottic Scarring 
              Click to protocols: Posterior Glottic Stenosis; Case presentation for panel: Case Example Posterior Glottic Stenosis (Scarring)
 --- Bilateral Vocal Cord Paralysis
              Click to protocols: Bilateral Vocal Cord Paralysis; Case Example Posterior Cordotomy for Bilateral Vocal Cord Paralysis; Laser Surgery Protocols
 --- How and When to Decannulate 
             Click to protocols: Pediatric Tracheostomy Decannulation
 --- Management of Tracheo-Cutaneous Fistula 
             Click to protocols: Tracheo-cutaneous fistula closure; Tracheal Tug after Tracheotomy                     
 --- Management of Montgomery Cannulas
             Click to protocols: Montgomery Cannula Canula insertion in clinic
 ---  Tracheal Resection 
             Click to protocols: Tracheal Sleeve Resection with Suprahyoid and Infrahyoid Release
 ---  Use and Misuse of Montgomery T-tubes

4:30 Business Meetings
            Iowa Academy of Otolaryngology (elect new Sec/Treasurer)
            Society of Head and Neck Nursing
5:00 Beverages (Beer Wine) on the Lake  –  Music by “The Remains” (https://theremainsband.com/)
6:00 Kayak and Paddle Board Races
6:00 Barbecue on the Lake
10:00 pm Conclude