Career Advising for Medical Students

A fulfilling career is among the keys to a successful life. The Carver College of Medicine offers you many opportunities to explore and understand how to achieve your maximum career potential. We encourage you to take advantage of as many of these resources as you can.  

Each opportunity is categorized according to its intended goal:

  • Icon for Decision Making a decision about which specialty you will love 
  • Icon denoting strategy Crafting a strategy that maximizes success in achieving your chosen specialty
  • Icon denoting process Understanding the process needed to become a resident physician. 

Click one of the options in the columns below to learn more about that career advising opportunity:

Curricular Med Student Counseling Center Learning Communities College of Medicine Registrar Deans Writing and Humanities Program
Early Clinical Experiences Career workshops NEST Groups Residency Match Resources Individual counseling Personal Statements and Curriculum Vitae
Away rotations Career Life Planning Elective Match Panels Electronic Residency Application Service Career Advising Fairs Personal-Professional Compass
Advanced clerkships Specialty Choice Conversations Residency Fairs Letters of Recommendations Web-based Career/Specialty Mentor Request  
Guide to Specialty-Based Pathways Clinical Faculty Advice Individual counseling Couples Matching Career Connection (Clerx)  
Clinical Department Resources MSCC-Curated Resources   Specialty Specific Faculty Advisors Predicted Match Probability calculator  
Fourth Year / Advanced Curriculum     Medical Student Performance Evaluation Mock Residency Interviews  
        Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society  
        Gold Humanism Honor Society  

In the Curriculum

Early Clinical Experiences

Icon for Decision

M1, Fall semester M2 | Required | Contact Kim Crist
Right away you’ll be exposed to patients in outpatient clinics at UIHC and the surrounding communities.  You’ll be paired with experienced clinicians so that you may begin learning about clinical communication, patient populations, medical specialties, and the roles of members of the healthcare team.  In the fall of the M2 year, you’ll continue by shadowing senior medical students in the inpatient setting to prepare you for working in the clinical environment.  

Away Rotations

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Fall semester M4 | Optional | Contact the Registrar's office.
There are several reasons to do away rotations; for instance, you may want to use them as extended interviews or auditions at a location to which you might want to apply for residency.  Individually Arranged Electives Form →

Advanced Elective and Selective Clerkships

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M4 | Required | Contact the Registrar's Office
Advanced clerkships allow you to understand the roles of the subspecialties within clinical medicine.  Some you'll be required to select from a list of possibilities; others are elective, although a certain number of semester hours are required to graduate. Advanced Electives and Selecive Clerkships →

Guide to CCOM Specialty Based Pathways

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M4 | Required | Contact your Community Faculty Director
This resource provides information about the paths you can take to obtain a solid background in many specialties, including the elective clerkships you might wish to take. Guide to CCOM Specialty-Based Pathways →
Clinical Department Resources

Throughout | Optional | Contact departments
UIHC clinical departments are developing their own resources for medical students to assist in understanding careers in their specialties.  Clinical Department Resources →


Medical Student Counseling Center

Read this for more information on career advising services through the MSCC.

Career Counseling Workshops

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Throughout | Optional | Contact the MSCC
These workshops are designed to help you explore specialty choice options and to prepare for the NRMP residency match.

Career Life Planning Elective

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Spring semesters M1, M2, M3 | Optional | Contact the MSCC
Through class discussions and activities, you will learn about selecting a specialty and preparing for a successful match.

Specialty Choice Conversations

Icon for Decision

Spring semesters M1, M2, M3, M4 | Optional | Contact the MSCC
These individual counseling discussions can help you to clarify your goals and motivations for considering various career options.



Clinical Faculty Advice

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Any time | Optional | Contact the MSCC
The MSCC can put you in touch with clinical faculty who have expressed an interest in meeting with students to discuss their work.  Such meetings can develop into fruitful mentoring relationships.

MSCC-Curated Resources

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Any time | Optional | Contact the MSCC
The MSCC has curated a list of websites that you will find helpful in directing your efforts in defining a career path.  MSCC-Curated Resources


Learning Communities

NEST Groups

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Throughout | Required | Contact Jim Choi
Beginning at orientation, you will be placed in a  small groups of students from within the same community and class. Your NEST group will meet each semester in a meeting facilitated by the community faculty director to discuss transitions, wellness, challenges, and career opportunities.

Match Panels

Icon for Decision

Spring semester | Optional | Contact Jim Choi
After M4 students have obtained their residency matches, you’ll have the opportunity to hear from them about the process, how they made their decisions, and the pitfalls they encountered. Match panels take place both in the Learning Communities and in specialty interest groups.

Residency Fairs

Icon for Decision

Spring semester | Optional | Contact Jim Choi
Yet another opportunity to explore residency programs, especially those offered in Iowa.

Individual Counseling

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Any time | Optional | Contact your Community Faculty Director
Your community’s faculty directors are always happy to discuss your career plans, or help connect you to faculty at UIHC. You will also meet with your community faculty director for career advising during the process of creating the Medical Student Performance Evaluation at the end of your third year/beginning of your fourth year.


College of Medicine Registrar

The Registrar's Office can help you understand the process of obtaining a residency match, especially the items below. 

Registrar-Curated Resources

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Fall Semester M4 | Optional | Contact the Registrar's Office
Here is a currated list of resources to help you understand the residency match process, and develop a strategy to obtain a successful match. Registrar-Curated Resources →

Electronic Residency Application Service

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Fall semester M4 | Required | Contact the Registrar's Office
ERAS is the central system medical students use apply for residency. ERAS →

Letter of Recommendation

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Fall semester M4 | Required | Contact the Registrar's Office
When you apply for residency programs, letters of recommendation written by faculty in your specialty or other appropriate faculty, are submitted electronically through the Letters of Recommendation Program, or LORP.  

Couples matching

Icon denoting processIcon denoting strategy

Fall and Spring semester M4 | Optional | Contact the Registrar's Office
If you are in a committed relationship with another student seeking a residency match, it is often desirable to end up in the same city for residency.  The process of obtaining such a match as a couple requires special attention.

Specialty Specific Faculty Advisor

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M3 | Required | Contact the Registrar's Office
During Phase III of the MD curriculum, students explore medical specialization options, select a specialty, and apply for the Match.  Nearly always, students need assistance in navigating the decisions they must make, weighing options, and understanding the process.  To ensure success, students are required to choose a specialty-specific faculty advisor (SSFA). Specialty-Specific Faculty Advisor →

Medical Student Performance Evaluation

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Late M3/Early M4 | Required | Contact Matt Edwards
The MSPE, prepared in the early M4 year, is transmitted to all residency programs you'll apply to.  It includes your pre-clinical course grades and facilitator comments, and clinical clerkship grades and faculty/resident comments.  It also includes some honors and achievements (such as honor society membership and participation in distinction tracks) and comparative data of you with your class/cohort. MSPE →



Individual Counseling

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Any time | Optional | Contact Audra King
Your deans are more than happy to meet with you one-on-one to discuss your academic progress, offer advice, and help you plot a career path.

Specialty Fair

ICON for decision

Preclinical | Required | Contact Billie Ruden
To provide early information on various clinical specialties, 18 of the Core UIHC clinical departments presents information unique to their specialty. In addition to academic requirements for each specialties, the presentations will also include practical information such as lifestyle issues when practicing in a particular specialty as well as patient population, length of training and subspecialty opportunities.

Web-based Career/Specialty Mentor Request

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Any time | Optional | Contact Jim Choi
Once you log in to this web site, you will be able to request a career mentor for any clinical specialties available at the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine. If you are undecided, you will be assigned to a learning community faculty director or one of the OSAC deans. In addition to different clinical specialties, you will also be able to specify various demographic information and training institutions for residency and/or fellowship programs.  Web-based Career/Specialty Mentor Request →

Career Connection (Clerx)

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Any time | Required | Contact Jim Choi
This application allows you to track goals and milestones as you make progress toward selecting and achieving your desired match. Career Connection (Clerx) →

Mock Residency Interviews

Icon for Decision Icon denoting strategy

Fall semester M4 | Optional | Contact Jim Choi
You can participate in mock interviews throughout interview season. These 30-45 minute sessions are designed to simulate a residency interview.  Each session offers both interview practice and feedback.  

Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society (AOA)

Icon denoting strategy

Spring semester M3, Fall Semester M4 | Competitive | Contact Annette Griffin
Alpha Omega Alpha (AOA) Honor Society eligibility is based on academic achievement, with the top 25% of the class considered eligible. Students' honors hours--semester hours multiplied by 1 for Honors and 0.5 for Near Honors--determine eligibility. Those meeting this criterion are invited to apply, listing their leadership, service, research, and distinction track activities. Applications are scored alongside honors hours and some aspects of clinical evaluations to determine the nominees, and those applicatants are considered by a panel of AOA members. The total inductees cannot exceed one-fifth of the class, with half initiated in junior year spring and the rest in senior year fall.  AOA →

Gold Humanism Honor Society (GHHS)

Icon denoting strategy

Spring semetser M3 | Competitive | Contact David Etler
Membership in the Gold Humanism Honor Society is based on peer nominations.  M3s are asked to nominate classmates who excel in caring, competence, community service, as well as those who they would want to care for themselves or a family member.  This information is used to develop a composite score, and components of the nominees' clinical evaluations are used to verify eligibility.  From that group, 10% of the class is inducted.  GHHS →


The Writing and Humanities Program

Personal Statements and CVs

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Summer of M3, Fall of M4 | Optional | Contact Camille Socarras
Every student must write a compelling personal statement and have a curriculum vitae to apply to a residency program. Getting started early, as well as seeking help, is very important.  Personal Statements and CVs →

Program in Bioethics and Humanities

Personal-Professional Compass

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Throughout | Optional | PPC webpage
This program works to help you understand, articulate, and integrate your personal and professional values and goals as you navigate your way through the four years of medical school. Personal-Professional Compass →