American Society for Microbiology (ASM) Student Chapter at UIowa

The ASM Student Chapter at the University of Iowa is a trainee-led organization that aims to connect Microbiology and Immunology undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral trainees through professional and social activities.


Kickball Game  of Dept. Faculty vs. Students  image

ASM Student Chapter Board 2022-2024

President: Natalie Jarvis - Microbiology Graduate Program 

Vice President: Alix McCullough - Microbiology Graduate Program

Secretary/Treasurer: Marla Shaffer - Microbiology Graduate Student

Microbiology Undergraduate Student Association (MUSA) Representative: Kailey Hogaboom

Faculty Advisor: Mary Weber, PhD

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Microbiology Kickball Game of Faculty vs. Students 

Meetings, Seminars, and Conferences

Undergraduate and graduate students have their own separate monthly meetings. The goals of these meetings are to discuss career development topics relevant to each trainee level. Additionally, all trainees gather twice a semester for joint meetings that either discuss professional topics relevant to everyone or social activities that support community building between postdoctoral, graduate and undergraduate trainees.

Our ASM Student Chapter also hosts faculty and student seminars each semester that are available to all trainees and encourage a low-pressure environment for trainees to engage with on-campus research.

Events in 2023:

  • March 7 - Pulvermacher Seminar – Dr. Stacey Schultz-Cherry, St. Jude’s Children Research Hospitalgroup making clay microbe art on June 1 2023
  • April 7th - Clay Microbes Craft event 
  • April 18 -  ASM Webinar watch party on careers in the microbiology industry
  • April 26 - Cookie Drive
  • May 19 - M&I Departmental Retreat with talks from graduate students, postdocs, and faculty
  • June 1- Clay Microbes Craft event
  • November 14 -  ASM Chapter Invited Speaker Seminar – Dr. Becky Lamason, MIT

Events in 2024

  • April 26 - Cookie Drive
The ASM Student Chapters at the University of Iowa and Iowa State University also aim to host joint events to connect student chapters and broaden trainee networks.  

Trainees are also encouraged to attend the local ASM Branch Meeting and national ASM Microbe Conference each year.                                                           

Example of Microbe Clay Petri Dish Art

Links of Interest