Dr. Stanley Perlman will be partnering with the Midwest Antiviral Drug Discovery (AViDD) Center

Stanley Perlman imageDr. Stanley Perlman and his lab and will be participating in research for the Midwest Antiviral Drug Discovery (AViDD) Center. The Center is based on a recent NIAID five-year U19 grant ($66 million) to the University of Minnesota.In May 2022, the NIAID had awarded approximately $577 million to establish nine AViDD Centers for Pathogens of Pandemic Concern in the USA. These nine AViDD Centers conduct innovative, multidisciplinary research to develop candidate COVID-19 antivirals, especially those that can be taken in an outpatient setting, as well as antivirals targeting specific viral families with high potential to cause a pandemic in the future. Congratulations Dr. Perlman!



Monday, November 7, 2022