
  • Abel, T.J., Rhone, A.E., Nourski, K.V., Kawasaki, H., Oya, H., Griffiths, T.D., Howard, M.A., & Tranel, D. (2015). Direct physiologic evidence of a heteromodal convergence region for proper naming in human anterior temporal lobe. Journal of Neuroscience, 35 (4) 1513-1520.
  • Adolphs, R., Tranel, D., & Buchanan, T.W. (2005).  Amygdala damage impairs emotional memory for the gist but not details of complex stimuli.  Nature Neuroscience, 8, 512-518.
  • Adolphs, R., Tranel, D., & Damasio, A.R. (1998). The human amygdala in social judgment.  Nature, 393, 470-474. 
  • Anderson, S.W., Barrash, J., Bechara, A., & Tranel, D. (2006) Impairments of emotion and real world complex behavior following childhood- or adult-onset focal lesions in ventromedial prefrontal cortex.  Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 12, 224-235.
  • Anderson, S.W., Bechara, A., Damasio, H., Tranel, D., & Damasio, A.R. (1999).  Impairment of social and moral behavior related to early damage in human prefrontal cortex.  Nature Neuroscience, 2, 1032-1037. 
  • Anderson, S.W., Damasio, H., & Damasio, A.R. (2005).  A neural basis for collecting behavior in humans.  Brain, 128, 201-212. 
  • Anderson, S.W., Todd, M.M., Hindman, B.J., Clarke, W.R., Torner, J.C., Tranel, D., Yoo, B., Weeks, J., Manzel, K.W., & Samra, S. (2006).  Intraoperative hypothermia and neuropsychological outcome after aneurysm surgery.  Annals of Neurology, 60, 518-527.
  • Anderson, S.W., Wisnowski, J., Barrash, J., Damasio, H., & Tranel, D. (2009).  Consistency of neuropsychological outcome following damage to prefrontal cortex in the first years of life.  Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 31, 170-179.  PMCID PMC2835154.
  • Asp, E.W., Gullickson, J., Warner, K., Koscik, T., Denburg, N., Tranel, D.  (2019).  Soft on crime: Patients with prefrontal cortex damage allocate reduced third-party punishment to violent criminals.  Cortex, 119, 33-45. PMCID PMC7771036.
  • Asp, E., Ramchandran, K., & Tranel, D. (2012). Authoritarianism, religious fundamentalism, and the human prefrontal cortex.  Neuropsychology, 26, 414-421.  PMCID PMC3389201.
  • Barrash, J.  (1998). A historical review of topographical disorientation and its neuroanatomical correlates.  Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 20, 807-827.
  • Barrash, J. (2017). Iowa Scales of Personality Change. In J.S. Kreutzer, J. DeLuca, & B. Caplan (Eds.), Encyclopedia of clinical neuropsychology. Advance online publication. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-56782-2_9006-1
  • Barrash, J., Abel, T.J., Okerstrom-Jezewski, K.L., Zanaty, M., Bruss, J., Manzel, K., Howard, M., & Tranel, D. (2020). Acquired personality disturbances after meningioma resection are strongly associated with impaired quality of life.  Neurosurgery, 87, 276-284. PMCID PMC7360876.
  • Barrash, J., Asp, E., Markon, K., Manzel, K., Anderson, S.W., & Tranel, D. (2011). Dimensions of personality disturbance after focal brain damage: Investigation with the Iowa Scales of Personality Change.  Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 33, 833-852.  PMCID PMC3140575.
  • Barrash, J., Bruss, J., Anderson, S.W., Kuceyeski, A., Manzel, K., Tranel, D., & Boes, A.D.  (2022). Lesions in different prefrontal sectors are associated with different types of acquired personality disturbances.  Cortex, 147, 169-184. PMCID PMC8816872.
  • Barrash, J., Damasio, H., Adolphs, R., & Tranel, D. (2000).  The neuroanatomical correlates of route learning impairment.  Neuropsychologia, 38, 820-836.
  • Barrash, J., Janus, T. J., & Kealey, G. P. (1996).  Neurobehavioral sequelae of high-voltage electrical injuries: Comparison with the effects of traumatic brain injury.  Applied Neuropsychology, 3, 75-81.
  • Barrash, J., Stillman, A., Anderson, S.W., Uc, E.Y., Dawson, J., & Rizzo, M. (2010).  Prediction of driving ability with neuropsychological tests: Demographic adjustments diminish accuracy.  Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 16, 679-686.
  • Barrash, J., Stuss, D., Aksan, N., Anderson, S.W., Jones, R.D., Manzel, K., & Tranel, D.  (2018).  “Frontal lobe syndrome”? Subtypes of acquired personality disturbances in patients with focal brain damage.  Cortex, 106, 65-80.   PMCID PMC6120760.
  • Barrash, J., Suhr, J., & Manzel, K. (2004).  Detecting poor effort and malingering with an expanded version of the Auditory Verbal Learning Test (AVLTX): Validation with clinical samples.  Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 26, 125-140. 
  • Barrash, J., Tranel, D., & Anderson, S.W. (2000).  Acquired personality disturbances associated with bilateral damage to the ventromedial prefrontal region.  Developmental Neuropsychology, 18, 355-381. 
  • Beadle, J.N., Heller, A., Rosenbaum, R.S., Davidson, P.S.R., Tranel, D., & Duff, M.  (2022). Amygdala but not hippocampal damage associated with smaller social network size.  Neuropsychologia. doi; 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2022.108311.
  • Bechara, A., Damasio, H., Tranel, D., & Damasio, A.R. (1997).  Deciding advantageously before knowing the advantageous strategy.  Science, 275, 1293-1294. 
  • Belfi, A.M., Kasdan, A., & Tranel, D. (2019). Anomia for musical entities.  Aphasiology, 33, 382-404. PMCID PMC6481654.
  • Benton, A.L. (1994).  Neuropsychological assessment.  Annual Review of Psychology, 45, 1-23. 
  • Benton, A.L., & Tranel, D. (2000).  Historical notes on reorganization of function and neuroplasticity.  In H.S. Levin & J. Grafman (Eds.), Cerebral reorganization of function after brain damage.  New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 3-23. 
  • Bowren, M.D., Adolphs, R., Bruss, J., Manzel, K., Corbetta, M., Tranel, D., & Boes, A.D. (2020). Multivariate lesion-behavior mapping of general cognitive ability and its psychometric constituents.  Journal of Neuroscience, 40, 8924-8937.  PMCID PMC7659456.
  • Bowren, M.D., Bruss, J., Manzel, K., Edwards, D., Liu, C., Corbetta, M., Tranel, D., & Boes, A.D.  (2021). Post-stroke outcomes predicted from multivariate lesion-behavior and lesion network mapping.  Brain, 145, 1338-1353. doi: org/10.1093/brain/awac010.
  • Bowren, M.D., Tranel, D., & Boes, A. (2020). Preserved cognition after right hemispherectomy.  Neurology: Clinical Practice, 11, e906-e908. PMCID PMC8723955.
  • Calamia, M., Markon, K., Denburg, N.L., & Tranel, D. (2011).  Developing a short form of Benton’s Judgment of Line Orientation Test: An item response theory approach.  The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 25, 670-684.  PMCID PMC3094715.
  • Calamia, M., Markon, K., & Tranel, D. (2012).  Scoring higher the second time around: Meta-analyses of practice effects in neuropsychological assessment.  The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 26, 543-570.  PMCID Not federally funded.  (selected as a Continuing Education article)
  • Cardinale, E.M., Reber, J., O’Connell, K., Turkeltaub, P.E., Tranel, D., Buchanan, T.W., & Marsh, A.A.  (2021). Bilateral amygdala damage linked to impaired ability to predict others’ fear but preserved moral judgments about causing others’ fear.  Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Science. doi:10.1098/rspb.2020.2651. PMCID PMC7893280. 
  • Casas, R., Calamia, M., & Tranel, D. (2008).  A screening test of English naming ability in bilingual Spanish/English speakers.  Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 30, 956-966. 
  • Casas, R., Guzmán-Vélez, E., Cardona-Rodriguez, J., Rodriguez, N., Quiñones, G., Izaguirre, B., & Tranel, D. (2012).  Interpreter-mediated neuropsychological testing of monolingual Spanish speakers.  The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 26, 88-101.  PMCID PMC3392019.
  • Damasio, A.R., Anderson, S.W., & Tranel, D. (2012). The frontal lobes.  In K. M. Heilman & E. Valenstein (Eds.), Clinical neuropsychology (5th ed., pp. 417-465). New York: Oxford University Press. 
  • Davidson, W., Boulais, B., Tranel, D., & Belfi, A.M.  (2022). Conceptual retrieval for unique entities does not require proper names.  Language, Cognition, and Neuroscience.  doi: org/10.1080/23273798,2022.2094429.
  • Deifelt Streese, C., Manzel, K., Wu, J., & Tranel, D. (2022).  Lateralized differences for verbal learning across trials in temporal lobe epilepsy are not affected by surgical intervention.  Epilepsy and Behavior.  doi: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2022.108561. PMCID PMC8898285.
  • Deifelt Streese, C., & Tranel, D.  (2021). Combined lesion-deficit and fMRI approaches in single-case studies: unique contributions to cognitive neuroscience.  Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 40, 58-63.   PMCID PMC7943030.
  • Denburg, N.L., Cole, C.A., Hernandez, M., Yamada, T.H., Tranel, D., Bechara, A., & Wallace, R.B. (2007). The orbitofrontal cortex, real-world decision-making, and normal aging.  Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1121, 480-498.  PMCID PMC2246008.
  • Denburg, N.L., & Tranel, D. (2012).  Acalculia and disturbances of the body schema.  In K. M. Heilman & E. Valenstein (Eds.), Clinical neuropsychology (5th ed., pp. 169-197).  New York: Oxford University Press. 
  • Denburg, N.L., Tranel, D., & Bechara, A. (2005).  The ability to decide advantageously declines prematurely in some older adults.  Neuropsychologia, 43, 1099-1106.
  • Denburg, N.L., Weller, J.A., Yamada, T.H., Kaup, A.R., LaLoggia, A., Cole, C.A., Tranel, D., & Bechara, A. (2009).  Poor decision-making among older adults is related to elevated levels of neuroticism.  Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 37, 164-172.
  • Feinstein, J.S., Adolphs, R., Damasio, A.R., & Tranel, D. (2011).  The human amygdala and the induction and experience of fear.  Current Biology, 21, 34-38. PMCID PMC3030206.
  • Feinstein, J.S., Duff, M.C., & Tranel, D. (2010). The sustained experience of emotion after loss of memory in patients with amnesia.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107, 7674-7679.  PMCID PMC2867870.
  • Feinstein, J.S., Rudrauf, D., Khalsa, S.S., Cassell, M.D., Bruss, J., Grabowski, T.J., & Tranel, D.  (2010). Bilateral limbic system destruction in man.  Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 32, 88-106.  PMCID PMC2888849. 
  • Garland, M.M., Vaidya, J.G., Tranel, D., Watson, D., & Feinstein, J.S.  (2021). Who are you?  A study of personality in patients with anterograde amnesia.  Psychological Science, 32, 1649-1661.  PMCID PMC8907494.
  • Gläscher, J., Adolphs, R., Damasio, H., Bechara, A., Rudrauf, D., Calamia, M., Paul, L.K., & Tranel, D. (2012).  Lesion mapping of cognitive control and value-based decision-making in the prefrontal cortex.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109, 14681-14686.  PMCID PMC3437894.
  • Gläscher, J., Adolphs, R., & Tranel, D. (2019).  Model-based lesion mapping of cognitive control using the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test.  Nature Communications, 10, 1-12. PMCID PMC6318292. 
  • Gläscher, J., Rudrauf, D., Paul, L.K., Colom, R., Tranel, D., Damasio, H., & Adolphs, R. (2010).  Distributed neural system for general intelligence revealed by lesion mapping. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 107, 4705-4709. PMCID PMC2842050.
  • Gläscher, J., Tranel, D., Paul, L.K., Rudrauf, D., Rorden, C., Hornaday, A., Grabowski, T., Damasio, H., & Adolphs, R. (2009).  Lesion mapping of cognitive abilities linked to intelligence.  Neuron, 61, 681-691.  PMCID PMC2728583.
  • Gratton, C., Dworetsky, A., Coalson, R.S., Adeyemo, B., Laumann, T.O., Wig, G., Kong, T.S., Gratton, G., Fabiani, M., Barch, D.M., Tranel, D., Miranda-Dominguez, O., Fair, D.A., Dosenbach, N.U.F., Snyder, A.Z., Perlmutter, J.S., Petersen, S.E., & Campbell, M.C. (2020). Removal of high frequency contamination of motion estimates in single-band fMRI saves data without biasing functional connectivity.  NeuroImage. Doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.1168666. PMCID PMC7308220.
  • Griffin, S.L., & Tranel, D. (2007).  Age of seizure onset, functional reorganization, and neuropsychological outcome in temporal lobectomy.  Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 29, 13-24.  PMCID PMC2246093.
  • Guzmán-Vélez, E., Feinstein, J.S., & Tranel, D.  (2014).  Feelings without memory in Alzheimer’s disease.  Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology, 27, 117-129.  PMCID PMC4175156.
  • Guzmán-Vélez, E., & Tranel, D. (2015). Does bilingualism contribute to cognitive reserve? Cognitive and neural perspectives. Neuropsychology, 29(1), 139–150.
  • Harel, B.T., & Tranel, D. (2008).  Functional neuroanatomy: Neuropsychological correlates of cortical and subcortical damage. In S.C. Yudofsky, & R.E. Hales (Eds.), Neuropsychiatry and behavioral neurosciences, 5th edition. Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Press, pp. 45-91.
  • Harris, S., Bowren, M., Anderson, S.W., & Tranel, D.  (2022). Does brain damage caused by stroke versus trauma have different neuropsychological outcomes?  A lesion-matched multiple case study. Applied Neuropsychology: Adult. doi: 10.1080/23279095.2022.2033242.
  • Hoth K.F., Paulsen J.S., Moser D.J., Tranel D., Clark L.A., & Bechara A. (2007). Patients with Huntington’s disease have impaired awareness of cognitive, emotional, and functional abilities. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 29, 365-376.
  • Hwang, K., Bruss, J., Tranel, D., & Boes, A. (2020). Network localization of executive function deficits in patients with focal thalamic lesions.  Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 32, 2309-2319. PMCID PMC4671478.
  • Hwang, K., Shine, J.M., Bruss, J., Tranel, D., & Boes, A.D.  (2021). Neuropsychological evidence of multi-domain network hubs in the human thalamus.  eLife; 10:e69480.  doiI: 10.7554/eLife.69480.  PMCID PMC8526062.
  • Ishii, D., Zanaty, M., Roa, J., Li, L., Lu, Y., Allan, L., Samaniego, E., Torner, J., Tranel, D., & Hasan, D.  (2021). Postoperative cognitive dysfunction after endovascular treatments for unruptured intracranial aneurysms: A pilot study.  Interventional Neuroradiology, 15910199211039917.  DOI: 10.1177/15910199211039917.
  • Jones, R.D., & Tranel, D. (2001).  Severe developmental prosopagnosia in a child with superior intellect.  Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 23, 265-273. 
  • Jones, R. D., & Tranel, D. (2005).  Cognitive impairments after stroke: Diagnosis and treatment.  In H. Adams (Ed.), Handbook of cerebrovascular diseases (pp. 243-260). New York: Marcel Dekker.
  • Kamm, J., Boles Ponto, L.L., Manzel, K., Gaasedelen, O.J., Nagahama, N., Abel, T., & Tranel, D. (2018). Temporal lobe asymmetry in FDG PET uptake predicts neuropsychological and seizure outcomes after temporal lobectomy. Epilepsy & Behavior, 78, 62-67.
  • Khalsa, S.S., Rudrauf, D., Hassanpour, M.S., Davidson, R.J., & Tranel, D. (2020).  The practice of meditation is not associated with improved interceptive awareness of the heartbeat.  Psychophysiology, 57, e13479.  PMCID PMC6982546.
  • King, M., Manzel, K., Bruss, J., & Tranel, D.  (2020). Neural correlates of improvements in personality and behavior following a neurological event.  Neuropsychologia, 145, 1-10.  PMCID PMC6494695.
  • Kliemann, D., Adolphs, R., Paul, L.K., Tyszka, M., & Tranel, D.  (2021). Reorganization of the social brain in individuals with only one intact cerebral hemisphere.  Brain Sciences, 11 965.  doi: 10.3390/brainsci11080965. PMCID PMC8392565.
  • Klooster, N.B., Tranel, D., & Duff, M.C. (2020).  The hippocampus and semantic memory over time.  Brain and Language, 201, 104711.   PMCID PMC7577377.
  • Lezak, M. D., Howieson, D., Bigler, E., & Tranel, D. (2012).  Neuropsychological assessment (5th ed.).  New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Meth, M.Z., Bernstein, J.P.K., Calamia, M., & Tranel, D. (2019).  What types of recommendations are we giving patients?  A survey of clinical neuropsychologists.  The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 33, 57-74. PMCID Not federally funded.
  • Meth, M., Calamia, M., & Tranel, D.  Does a simple intervention enhance memory and adherence for neuropsychological recommendations? Applied Neuropsychology, 23, 21-28.
  • Mosch, S.C., Max, J.E., & Tranel, D. (2005).  A matched lesion analysis of childhood versus adult-onset brain injury due to unilateral stroke:  Another perspective on neural plasticity and recovery of social functioning.  Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology, 18, 5-17.
  • Nguyen, C. M., Barrash, J., Koenigs, A.L., Bechara, A., Tranel, D., & Denburg, N. L.  (2013).  Decision-making deficits in normal elderly persons are associated with executive personality disturbances.  International Psychogeriatrics, 25, 1811-1819.  
  • Nguyen, C.M., Koenigs, M., Yamada, T.H., Teo, S.H., Cavanaugh, J.E., Tranel, D., & Denburg, N.L. (2011). Trustworthiness and negative affect predict economic decision-making.  Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 23, 748 – 759.  PMCID PMC3594801.
  • Okerstrom-Jezewski, K.L., Grafft, A., Denburg, N.L., Bruss, J., Deifelt Streese, C., Gratton, C., & Tranel, D.  (2020).  How early damage to the dorsomedial prefrontal hub in human brain networks affects long term cognitive, behavioral, and neuroanatomical outcomes.  Psychology & Neuroscience, 13, 245-256.  PMCID Not federally funded.
  • Paradiso, S., Brown, W.S., Porcerelli, J.H., Tranel, D., Adolphs, R., & Paul, L.K. (2020). Integration between cerebral hemispheres contributes to defense mechanisms.   Frontiers Psychology, 11, 1534.  PMCID PMC7359856.
  • Philippi, C.L., Boes, A.D., Albazron, F.M., Bruss, J., Deifelt Streese, C., Ciaramelli, E., Rudrauf, D., & Tranel, D.  (2021). Lesion network mapping demonstrates that mind-wandering is associated with the default mode network.  Journal of Neuroscience Research, 99, 361-373.  PMCID PMC7704688.
  • Pralus, A., Belfi, A., Hirel, C., Lévéque, Y., Fornoni, L., Bigand, E., Jung, J., Tranel, D., Nighoghossian, N., Tillmann, B., & Caclin, A. (2020). Recognition of musical emotions and their perceived intensity after unilateral brain damage.  Cortex, 130, 78-93.  PMCID Not federally funded.
  • Ramchandran, K., Duster, K., Tranel, D., & Denburg, N.  (2020). The role of emotional versus cognitive intelligence in economic decision-making amongst older adults.  Frontiers in Neuroscience – Decision Neuroscience, 14, 497. PMCID PMC7274021.
  • Reber, J., Bruss, J., Bowren, M., Hwang, K., Mukherjee, P., Tranel, D., & Boes, A.  (2021).  Cognitive impairment after focal brain lesions is better predicted by damage to structural than functional network hubs.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118, e2018784118.  DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2018784118.  PMCID PMC8126860.
  • Reschke-Hernández, A.E., Belfi, A.M., Guzmán-Vélez, E., & Tranel, D.  (2020).  Hooked on a feeling: Influence of brief exposure to familiar music on feelings of emotion in individuals with Alzheimer’s disease.  Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 78, 1019-1031. PMCID Not federally funded.
  • Rhone, A.E., Kovach, C.K., Harmata, G.I.S., Sullivan, A., Tranel, D., Ciliberto, M., Howard, M.A., Richerson, G.B., Steinschneider, M., Wemmie, J.A., & Dlouhy, B.J.  (2020).  A human amygdala site that inhibits respiration and elicits apnea in pediatric epilepsy.  Journal of Clinical Investigation – Insight, 5, e134852.  PMCID PMC7213805.
  • Rizzo, M., & Tranel, D. (Eds.). (1996).  Head Injury and Postconcussive Syndrome.  New York: Churchill Livingstone. 
  • Robinson, H., Calamia, M., Gläscher, J., Bruss, J., & Tranel, D.  (2014). Neuroanatomical correlates of executive functions: A neuropsychological approach using the EXAMINER battery.  Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 20, 52-63.  PMCID PMC4176938. 
  • Seaman, S.C., Deifelt Streese, C., Manzel, K., Kamm, J., Tranel, D., & Dlouhy, B.J.  (2021).  Improvement in cognitive and psychological functioning after surgical decompression in Chiari malformation Type I - A prospective cohort study.  Neurosurgery, 89, 1087-1093.  PMCID: PMC8600175.
  • Suhr, J., Anderson, S., & Tranel, D. (1999).  Progressive muscle relaxation in the management of behavioral disturbance in Alzheimer’s disease.  Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 9, 31-44. 
  • Suhr, J., & Jones, R.D. (1998).  Letter and semantic fluency in Alzheimer’s, Huntington’s, and Parkinson’s diseases.  Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 13, 447-454.
  • Suhr, J., Tranel, D., Wefel, J. S., & Barrash, J.  (1997).  Memory performance after head injury: Contributions of malingering, litigation status, psychological factors, and medication use.  Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 19, 500-514.  
  • Sullivan, A.W., Bowren, M.D., Bruss, J., Tranel, D., & Demir-Lira, Ö.E.  (2022).  Academic skills after brain injury: A lifespan perspective.  Neuropsychology, 36, 419-432.  doi:10.1037/neu0000806.
  • Taber-Thomas, B.C., Asp, E.W., Koenigs, M., Sutterer, M., Anderson, S.W., & Tranel, D. (2014). Arrested development: Early prefrontal lesions impair the maturation of moral development.  Brain, 137, 1254-1261.  PMCID PMC 3959552.
  • Tranel, D.  Mentoring in neuropsychology: Words from the heart.  Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, (in press)
  • Tranel, D. (1994).  The release of psychological data to non-experts: Ethical and legal considerations.  Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 25, 33-38. 
  • Tranel, D. (2009).  The Iowa-Benton school of neuropsychological assessment.  In I. Grant, & K.M. Adams (Eds.), Neuropsychological assessment of neuropsychiatric disorders (3rd edition).  New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 66-83.
  • Tranel, D., Anderson, S.W., & Manzel, K. (2008).  Is the prefrontal cortex important for “fluid” intelligence? A neuropsychological study using Matrix Reasoning.  The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 22, 242-261.  PMCID PMC2562905.
  • Tranel, D., Hathaway-Nepple, J., & Anderson, S.W. (2007).  Impaired behavior on real-world tasks following damage to the ventromedial prefrontal cortex.  Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 29, 319-332.  PMCID PMC2289390.
  • Tranel, D., Rudrauf, D., Vianna, E.P.M., & Damasio, H. (2008).  Does the Clock Drawing Test have focal neuroanatomical correlates?  Neuropsychology, 22, 553-562.  PMCID PMC2834527.
  • Waldron, E.J., Barrash, J., Swenson, A., & Tranel, D.  (2014). Personality disturbances in amyotropic lateral sclerosis: A case study demonstrating changes in personality without cognitive deficits.  Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 20, 1-8.
  • Waldron, E.J., Manzel, K., & Tranel, D.  (2014). The left temporal pole is a heteromodal hub for retrieving proper names.  Frontiers in Bioscience, 6, 50-57. 
  • Warren, D.E., Duff, M.C., Magnotta, V., Capizzano, A.A., Cassell, M.D., & Tranel, D. (2012). Long-term neuropsychological, neuroanatomical, and life outcome in hippocampal amnesia.  The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 26, 335-369.  PMCID PMC3390923.
  • Warren, D.E., Power, J.D., Bruss, J., Denburg, N.L., Waldron, E.J., Sun, H., Petersen, S.E., & Tranel, D. (2014). Network measures predict neuropsychological outcome after brain injury.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 111, 14247-14252.  PMCID PMC4191760.
  • Wright, J.D., & Tranel, D. (2005).  Mild cognitive impairment.  In: UpToDate, Neurodegenerative disease, Dementia Section, July 14, 2005.
  • Yucus, C.J., & Tranel, D. (2007).  Preserved proper naming following left anterior temporal lobectomy is associated with early age of seizure onset.  Epilepsia, 48, 2241-2252.  PMCID PMC2244800.​
  • Zanaty, M., Howard, S., Roa, J.A., Alvarez, C.M., Kung, D.K., McCarthy, D.J., Samaniego, E.A., Nakagawa, D., Starke, R.M., Limaye, K., AlKasab, S., Chalouhi, N., Jabbour, P., Tranel, D., & Hasan, D. (2019).  Cognitive and cerebral hemodynamic effects of endovascular recanalization of chronically occluded cervical internal carotid artery (COICA): Single-center study and review of the literature.  Journal of Neurosurgery, 132, 1158-1166.  PMCID Not federally funded.
  • Zirbes, C.,   Jones, A., Manzel, K., Denburg, N., & Barrash, J. (2021).  Assessing the effects of healthy and neuropathological aging on personality with the Iowa Scales of Personality Change. Developmental Neuropsychology46, 393-408. PMCID PMC8463441.