Opportunity to train in biomedical & health informatics

Biomedical and health informatics banner
Date: Monday, March 15, 2021

The Carver College of Medicine will sponsor interested resident physicians, fellow physicians, postdocs, and clinical and tenure-track faculty to train in biomedical and Health informatics using the 10x10 program offered through the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA).

On April 7, a new distance-learning course will begin, coordinated by AMIA and the Department of Medical Informatics & Clinical Epidemiology at Oregon Health & Science University. The goal of the course is to provide a detailed overview of biomedical and health informatics to those who will work at the interface of health care and information technology (IT). The course also aims to provide an entry point for those wishing additional study and career development in the field. Although the course has a clinical orientation, many non-clinicians working in health IT environments have found the course accessible, and the knowledge gained invaluable, to their professional development.

This course is virtual and eligible for continuing medical education credit. It will require four to eight hours per week to complete. The 16-week course begins April 7 and ends July 21.

Please contact Kirk Phillips (kirk-phillips@uiowa.edu) if interested.

Provided there is support from your supervisor, chair, or training mentor, the Carver College of Medicine will cover the cost of the course.

More information about:

AMIA's 10x10 program utilizes curricular content from certified informatics training programs and other AMIA educational initiatives. Topics range from introductory health informatics to more specialized content focusing on nursing informatics and clinical decision support. These courses are ideal for those looking to advance their health care profession with informatics training.