Meet Paige Brady

Date: Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Paige BradyHometown: Colorado Springs, Colorado

Program: Radiologic Technology/MRI

How did you choose your program?

My freshman year, I was very unsure of what I wanted to major in and started my first semester at the University of Iowa as an open major. Healthcare was not initially on my radar till I took the Intro to Radiation Sciences class. There was definitely an epiphany moment as I learned more about the field and different modalities. Getting familiar with the basics of Radiation Science and learning about the strong patient care aspect of the career made me realize that it was perfect for me. Volunteering at UIHC was also a deciding factor by giving me exposure to helping around the neurology unit and taking care of patients. I realized my personality and strong work ethic could be put towards a really fulfilling future career and I set my sights on getting into the program soon after.

What experiences outside the curriculum greatly enhanced your education?

Working as a clerk at IRL and in the Radiology department at UIHC greatly improved my patient care and problem solving skills. A lot of the behind the scenes radiology knowledge I gained through working at the desk has helped me with unique situations during my clinical rotations. I also believe it helped strengthen my relationship with staff and I feel even more adjusted to the Radiology team.

Who was especially helpful in guiding and mentoring you?

Many of my educators have contributed to my success within the program. Lorie Gillitzer in particular has always been great about visiting the different tech areas to check in with me to see how I am doing. It was great to have her around to answer questions and she really helped boost my confidence in my knowledge and skills. Her caring nature has been something I have always appreciated and I enjoyed having her around for guidance.

What was the most rewarding part of your Carver College of Medicine experience?

I really value being in a program with a close knit group of classmates. Even as we split off into our modalities our senior year, I still feel I was able to maintain a great relationship with everyone within my graduating class. Having a group of people to study with, confide in, and share great memories with these past few years has been invaluable. I have made really close friends that I will never forget. I also value my time spent with the underclassmen during our shared Xray clinic days. Answering their questions or giving pointers has been a great way to brush up on my knowledge. I personally find it very fulfilling to help out fellow students with the experience I have gained.

Share one memory that sticks out from your time as a student at Carver College of Medicine?

I will never forget the day my classmates and I first got together outside the Carver College of Medicine sign to take some group pictures together. We were all excited meet up after class to show off our scrubs together. Getting us all close enough to fit in one picture was a feat of its own. Squished shoulder to shoulder and holding back our giggles for some photogenic pictures was a fun bonding moment. Lucky for us, a passerby was kind enough to take some photos of everyone. And once that was out of the way, we pulled some funny faces for pictures as well. From then on, we made it a tradition to keep taking pictures in front of the Carver College of Medicine sign each year.