Faculty recruiting
Since 2011, 14 new faculty engaged in obesity research have been jointly recruited by the OREI and by departments in the Carver College of Medicine, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, College of Public Health, College of Nursing, and Tippie College of Business, and the Fraternal Order of Eagles Diabetes Research Center. In addition, four other faculty engaged in obesity research have also been recruited by departments and centers at the University of Iowa. To see our newest faculty members, click here. These new young faculty have received 10 new R01s and multiple other grants and awards.
Multidisciplinary research program development
In partnership with the Fraternal Order of Eagles Diabetes Research Center (FOEDRC), the OREI established a vibrant new seminar program—the Diabetes and Obesity Talks—held weekly and attended by 50-90 faculty, staff and trainees. In July 2017, the seminar series was rebranded to "Frontiers in Obesity, Diabetes and Metabolism," in order to recognize the series impact and outstanding lectures from luminaries across the world and also from our own ranks.
To promote research interaction and program development among the "community" of new and established faculty, the OREI also launched two monthly informal research meetings: the Diabetes and Obesity Chalk Talks, focused on basic research and the Behavioral Medicine Group, focused on behavioral medicine and science research.
To see our current events, click here.
Educational programs
The first introductory course on obesity was offered in Fall 2013. A new undergraduate minor in Physical Activity and Nutrition Science also launched in Fall 2013.
For more information about our educational efforts, click here.
Network of Iowa State University Nutrition and Wellness Research Center (ISU NWRC), the University of Northern Youth Fitness and Obesity Institute (UNI YFOI), and the UI OREI
Faculty at the three Regent Universities have met at each institution to develop an Iowa Obesity Research and Prevention Network. Program goals have included:
- A tri-institutional pilot collaborative research grant program.
- Development of shared core research facilities.
To see more information about the network, click here.