We are dedicated to improving the health and lives of women both locally and around the world through clinical care, research, and training the next generation of leaders in women’s health care. There are many existing opportunities for philanthropic support, which is necessary to advance our cause. Our ability to offer exceptional care for women is enhanced by support from patients, alumni, and other friends of the Department. We are so very grateful for those who have contributed charitable gifts to the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. These donations will help ensure our services can continue to reach patients in need.
Too often, women’s health research is not valued and is under-funded by the federal government due to the political nature of our field. Please consider financial support of one of the existing funds in our department. If you do not see a fund that excites you but still want to support the department, please contact our representative at the University of Iowa Foundation to discuss your passions. Please join us as we strive to become the very best Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in the country.
Please make cash gifts (currency, personal check, credit card authorization, money order or bank drafts) payable to: "The University of Iowa Foundation." If you wish to donate to a particular fund, please make the check payable to "University of Iowa Foundation - Fund Name" or list the fund's name in the memo.
These gifts should be mailed to:
Levitt Center for University Advancement
One West Park Road, P.O. Box 4550
Iowa City, Iowa 52244-4550
Online giving is also an option. Please visit our online giving page to support the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology's mission.