The Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology, SART, released their most recent data for assisted reproductive technology (ART) in the United States and according to the 2014 final report, UI Hospital and Clinics’ Center for Advanced Reproductive Care consistently showed significantly higher outcomes than the national average.
“Using IVF treatment, 8 in 10 (79.6 percent) of our new patients under the age of 35 had a live birth,” says Bradley Van Voorhis, MD, director of the division of reproductive endocrinology and infertility. “That is remarkable considering the national average for the same group is 69.2 percent.”
The final report outlines national and individual clinic results in 2014 for a number of categories, including: outcome per egg retrieval cycle, subsequent outcome for frozen cycles, final live birth per new patient, as well as outcomes for fresh donor eggs, frozen donor eggs, and donor embryos.
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