Who are our Students?
Students admitted to the Pathology program consist of recent college graduates, as well as individuals who have been in the work force for several years. Given the requirements for admission, the academic credentials of admitted Pathology students are on par with most biomedical PhD programs on campus. This often leads to questions as to why a student would apply to the Pathology MS rather than a PhD granting program. Although our students are talented and science focused, most enter the program since they have not yet crystallized their long-term goals. As discussed below in Outcomes, the program is very successful in helping students realize their potential, plan careers and understand whether they wish to pursue an advanced degree.
Time to Completion:
Since 2005, the average time to completion has been 30 months (range = 21-39 months). Since 2010, average time to completion has dropped to 29 months (range = 21-39 months). Time to completion is measured by date of matriculation to date of thesis defense.
Since 2005, graduates of the program have used the M.S. degree to further their professional careers in a number of venues. Some have gone directly into the work force as research assistants or staff scientists in either academic or private sector laboratories. Other graduates have furthered their education by pursuing a range of advanced professional degrees. These include M.D., P.A., Ph.D., and executive M.B.A. programs. Since 2005, 74% of Pathology Program graduates have been accepted into advanced degree programs. To view the thesis projects and academic/employment history of Pathology Program graduates since 2005, please click on the link below: