
Michael Crawford, MD, is the lead author of the study. Co-authors include Drs. Sushmita Sinha, Pranav Renavikar, Nicholas Borcherding, and Nitin Karandikar...
Kimberly Fiock (M.S. in Pathology) recently defended her thesis entitled "The Developmental Expression and Regulation of Tau"...
Faculty who have recently been promoted...
Two Iowa trainee presentations at the AANP meeting were superb and well-received...
Following a national election conducted by the APC, Dr. Nitin Karandikar was elected as the Chair of the APC Research Committee...
Dr. Jian Zhang has been appointed to permanent membership of the Innate Immunity and Inflammation (III) Study Section, Center for Scientific Review (CSR)...
The letter, entitled "Worry and FRET: ROS Production Leads to Fluorochrome Tandem Degradation and Impairs Interpretation of Flow Cytometric Result", describes how...
Drs. Vladimir Badovinac and John Harty have been awarded R21 grant entitled ‘Evaluation of CC mice as an improved model for influenza immunity’ from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases...
Drs. Boyden and Ortega Win Travel Awards for the 2020 Annual Association of Immunology Meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii...