June 20, 2017 Mitchell Pitlick received the 2017 Special Achievement in Pathology Award, given by the University of Iowa Department of Pathology in conjunction with the Iowa Association of Pathologists (IAP)...
June 12, 2017 Dr. Hasem Habelhah received a two-year NIH R21 grant entitled, ‘HtrA2-mediated RIP1 Cleavage Regulates Neuronal Inflammation and Death’...
June 1, 2017 The UIHC Graduate Medical Education office has selected Dr. Annette Schlueter as the recipient of the 2017 Excellence in Clinical Coaching Award...
May 17, 2017 The Department of Pathology has appointed Dr. Matthew Krasowski to the Walter L. Bierring Professorship of Clinical Education...
May 16, 2017 Dr. Nitin Karandikar received a four-year VA Merit Award, entitled “Immunotherapeutic Regulatory CD8 T cells in Autoimmune Demyelinating Disease.”...
April 26, 2017 During the recent Carver College of Medicine Research Week, a contest was held for the best Creative Cover Art...
April 5, 2017 A recent publication from Dr. Ashutosh Mangalam’s laboratory was one of the top 100 read articles in Scientific Reports...
April 3, 2017 Zeb Zacharias, an Immunology Ph.D. student, has been awarded a $2000 Levitt Center Travel Award to present results from his thesis project at the 2017 Annual Meeting of the American Association of Immunologists in Washington D.C...
April 3, 2017 Dr. Zhang was awarded an Oberley Seed Grant Award from the Experimental Therapeutics ET Program within Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center...
April 3, 2017 Dr. Shailesh Shahi has been awarded an American Association of Immunologists (AAI) Trainee Travel Award to present his research findings at the 2017 annual AAI meeting in Washington D.C...