
The American Association of Immunologists (AAI) Program Committee has invited Dr. Jian Zhang to serve as a speaker in the Major Symposium B (Macrophage Biology, Diversity, and Inflammation) at IMMUNOLOGY2022TM, to the annual meeting of The AAI, being held May 6-10, in Portland, OR. In addition, Dr. Yilei Ma has been awarded an American Association of Immunologists (AAI) Abstract Award to present his research findings on HECT E3 Nedd4 in non-canonical inflammasome activation at the Block Symposium “Innate Immune Sensing and Signaling” of the annual AAI meeting.
Dr. Jonathan Davick, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor of Pathology, has been named to the Children’s Oncology Group Renal Tumors Committee with the role of central pathology reviewer for rapid assessment and confirmation of Wilms tumors and other rare pediatric renal tumors on a national basis.
We are pleased to announce that J. Stacey Klutts, MD, PhD, Clinical Associate Professor of Pathology, has been appointed as the Department of Veteran’s Affairs Associate National Director of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine.
Dr. Nitin Karandikar received another 4-year VA Merit Award, entitled “Effector-Regulator Immune Interactions During Autoimmune Demyelinating Disease.”
Dr. Alexander Boyden has been awarded a 2022 American Association of Immunologists (AAI) Early Career Faculty Travel Grant and podium talk for his research entitled “B cell-mediated antigen presentation is required to induce functional pathogenicity of CD4 T cells in a proteolipid protein mouse model of multiple sclerosis” at the American Association of Immunologists annual meeting in Portland, OR on May 6-10, 2022.
Dr. Leslie Bruch has retired from the University of Iowa Department of Pathology after more than 15 years as a member of the neuropathology faculty.
Dr. Vladimir Badovinac has been selected as a Distinguished Scholar by University of Iowa Health Care.
Dr. John Harty received a five-year NIH R01 award entitled ‘Immunity to Liver-Stage Malaria’ from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).
In this article we demonstrate that Elamipretide, a mitochondrial-targeted peptide, is safe and efficient in maternal and neonatal mice with PKD1 mutations.
Steven Moioffer successfully defended his M.S. thesis this past December and completed the Pathology M.S. program.