
Leslie Bruch, MD, received the Frank A. Mitros Excellence in Teaching and Clinical Service Award.
Kimberly Fiock, BS, MS, was recently awarded the L.B. Sims Outstanding Master's Thesis Award in the Biological Science.
Neil Lefebure, Staff Nurse in DeGowin Blood Center, is a recent recipient of a UI Health Care Good Catch Award.
Monisha Mittal successfully defended her MS thesis this past June and completed the Pathology MS program.
Dr. Dao-Fu Dai received a three-year SDG grant from the American Heart Association entitled "The Role of Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator (CFTR) in Cardiomyocytes".
Patrick Nuro-Gyina successfully defended his PhD thesis this past July and completed his graduate program. Patrick’s thesis is entitled HECT E3 Ubiquitin Ligase Nedd4 is Required for Anti-Fungal Innate Immunity.
Dr. Nitin Karandikar successfully renewed his VA Merit Award, entitled “Immunotherapeutic Regulatory CD8 T cells in Autoimmune Demyelinating Disease.”
Dr Badovinac has been appointed to standing membership of the Immunity and Host Defense (IHD) Study Section...
The grant, entitled Unraveling the Role of Saliva in COVID-19 Pathogenesis Using a Comprehensive Multi-omics Approach, will involve...
Jane Persons and Kai Rogers received the Special Achievement in Pathology Award...