Meet our newest faculty...
Jia joined the Department of Pathology as a tenured Professor earlier this summer...
Governor Kim Reynolds has awarded $2 million dollars in Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (or CARES) Act funding to a combined research team at the University of Iowa and Iowa State University...
This award is given to an individual or team in recognition of outstanding patient satisfaction...
Vladimir joined the Department of Pathology in 2007 and is currently a tenured Professor...
John joined the Department of Pathology as a tenured Professor earlier this summer after many years as a faculty member...
Iowa Wellstone Muscular Dystrophy Specialized Research Center renewed for five more years...
Nicole Peyton, MD, Ibrahim Abukhiran, MBBS, Robert Humble, MD and Alexandra Isaacson, MD, win awards…
This grant builds on preliminary data from Dr. Hefti’s laboratory showing...
The project proposes to study the role of microglia using an LS mouse model...