5th Annual Employee Appreciation Event - Summary

Thank you to those who joined us for the Stead Family Department of Pediatrics 5th Annual Employee Appreciation Event on October 28, 2020.  The event was held in a virtual platform to support attendance while adhering to our safety precautions.  We were thrilled with the attendance and engagement from our valued team members.  Participants enjoyed some friendly competition with interactive games and activities.  Dr. Tsalikian also recorded a video message at the beginning, which can be viewed here.

One of the BEST parts of the event was sharing the PDF icon “Shout Outs” from team members who were celebrating their colleagues’ contributions!  Some sample “Shout Outs” include:

  • “Shout Out to all the nurses who have diligently called patients multiple times with COVID visit guidelines- specifically in Peds Cardio- Jess, Carrie, Colleen, and Brenda!” - Natalie Van Waning
  • “Keri Harris and Cynthia First for helping with clinical trials while we were short-staffed” – Phuong Pham
  • “Thanks to Rick Bonar who works beyond measure in keeping the Fellowship program in great shape.  He also is the program director for several extra divisions, and I know Critical Care appreciates all he does!  His knowledge and professionalism are second to none!” - Peggy Duwa

Also, be sure to check out the about members of the Department – a great way to learn more about your colleagues!

Congratulations to the Gift Basket Winners, who were randomly selected from all attendees at the event:

Diana Knoedel from Pediatric Cardiology took home the "Think Pink" basket, which was assembled by the General Pediatrics admin team. Lillian Howard from Neurology took home the "Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice" basket, which was assembled by the Department's Executive Leadership Team.
Shannon Schroetter from the Pain and Palliative Care team took home "The Pandemic" basket, which was assembled by the Department's Finance team. Teresa Schmidt from Endocrinology and Diabetes took home the "Spa Day" basket, which was assembled by the Department's Human Resources office.
Maeve Jackowski-Price from Human Resources took home the "Game Night" basket, assembled by Cardiology admin. Rupasree Srikantha from the Cytogenetics Lab took home the "Virtual World Tour" basket, assembled by Education admin.
Diane Recker from the Newborn Screening Program (NBS) took home the "Movie Night" basket, assembled by Neonatology admin. Lisa Neff-Letts from Medical Genetics and Genomics took home the "Gone Tropical" basket, assembled by Pulmonary admin.

Jorie Shire from General Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Cedar Rapids took home the "Working and Teaching from Home" basket, assembled by Rheumatology/Allergy admin.

Joyce Disterhoft from the High Risk Infant Follow Up Program took home the "Treat Yourself" basket, assembled by Medical Genetics and Genomics admin and the NBS Program.


Thank you to all who participated in the Stead Family Department of Pediatrics 5th Annual Employee Appreciation Event!

Wednesday, November 4, 2020