I work in the Pediatric Pulmonology division! I have not ever had a position with UI Healthcare, so I've worked here about a month!!
I have been married for 5.5 years and my husband and I live in Cedar Rapids. We have two boys, Benjamin is five and Jaxson will be three in April! We have a lab named Dexter and a beagle named Daisy, who are very unique dogs! I am from Coralville so my parents still live there. My sister goes to St. Ambrose and my brother just got married in May and moved up to Minnesota.
In my free time read A LOT. I stick in the fiction genre most of the time! I also have taken up knitting during these weird times! But it has been something really fun and has been a great way to keep my off of my phone, which should be a goal for anyone anymore!
For my dream job I would LOVE to be an actress as basic as that sounds! I feel like being an author would be really amazing too!
Most fascinating place ever visited or lived? I love San Antonio Texas! My husband was medically discharged and for a part of the process for that we had to go to San Antonio and it was just such an amazing week! The river walk is just beautiful and so lively!
Favorite meal or restaurant? It depends on where I am! I usually go with a good salad or a steak! Nice polar opposites there!
Favorite book or movie? I LOVE any book by Sarah J Maas! All of her books are amazing! I also really enjoy "Water for Elephants" the BOOK, not the movie.
If you had 3 wishes? 1. Unlimited money would be nice (Ben keeps asking to go to Disney!) 2. To have access to a personal trainer 3. A maid.
Fun fact: I really really love tattoos. I find the artwork and detail to be such an impressive talent!