Our Division of Endocrinology & Diabetes provides leading expert care to children and adolescents with endocrine disorders. Additionally, we provide endocrinology-related medical education and also conduct research to close knowledge gaps in our field. 


Our division provides endocrine teaching to undergraduates, medical students, residents, and fellow physicians. Our division also provides education and assistance to practicing physicians and allied health care providers throughout the state of Iowa and beyond to help with proper management and referral of patients with endocrinological disorders and diabetes.

Be sure to read about our latest education news on our Director’s Blog, which also features pediatric endocrinology education content.  

Fellowship Program

Our Pediatric Endocrinology Fellowship Program educates the next generation of academic pediatric endocrinologists. This program was first accredited in 1984 and continuously since then. Fellows learn clinical pediatric practice as well as basic and/or clinical research projects. Past graduates are active in pediatric endocrine programs across the country.

A Faculty-focused Academic Medical Center

UI Health Care faculty enjoy defined academic time, plus benefits like doubling your retirement contribution. With a short commute and low cost of home ownership, it's no surprise we attract the best academically trained providers.


The Division of Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes has a long and rich history of research aimed at bettering the lives of children. For example, in 1946, our division began publishing groundbreaking work indicating that better glucose control prevents complications in persons with type 1 diabetes. In the 1950s-2000s, Dr. Charlie Read led studies demonstrating the safety of radioiodine thyroid ablation for treatment of Graves disease and on how moderating carbohydrate intake can help improve diabetes control

All our faculty members are currently engaged in research projects across the spectrum of clinical, translational, and basic science. One area of research strength includes clinical studies focused on diabetes. Several of our faculty are involved in the multisite Diabetes Research for Children Network (DirecNet). A number of diabetes-related multi-center clinical trials are ongoing. Two of our faculty also are well known for their research regarding cystic fibrosis-related diabetes. In addition, one of our faculty is pursuing innovative basic-science studies on the early life causes of type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance. 

Learn more about our research on our Director’s Blog.

Division Investigators and Labs



  • Eirene Alexandrou, MD: growth researchTurner Syndrome, and short stature 
  • Vanessa Curtis, MD: childhood growth and of metabolic fitness in children
  • Lauren Kanner, MD: ovarian failure and polycystic ovarian syndrome in adolescents
  • Katie Larson Ode, MD, MS: pathophysiology of cystic fibrosis-related diabetes mellitus, with additional interest in the pathophysiology of diabetes associated with pancreatitis in children
  • Andrew Norris, MD, PhD: integrative physiology of diabetes across the lifespan
  • Liuska Pesce, MD: thyroid disorders including thryoid cancer and newborn thyroid screening
  • Catherina Pinnaro, MD: research-focused physician scientist focused on clinicogenetic studies of endocrine modifiers in selected populations, including Turner syndrome
  • Akhila Ramakrishna, MD: thyroid dysfunction, and novel possible treatments for obesity
  • Michael Tansey, MD: clinical investigator focused on management and prevention of type 1 diabetes
  • Eva Tsalikian, MD, professor emerita: leading investigator directing clinical studies related to diabetes

Recent Division Publications

Explore more about our faculty's expertise, innovative research, and contributions to advancing patient care.

Clinical Care

Our team is dedicated to providing compassionate endocrine care coupled to expert diagnostic workup, treatment, and patient education. Our team is headed by over a dozen faculty physicians and subspecialty trained pediatric nurse practitioners. These providers collaborate with certified diabetes educators, endocrine nurses, dietitians, psychologists, and social workers to provide personalized care. 

Our faculty consistently earns outstanding patient satisfaction scores. The expertise of our faculty is recognized regionally, nationally, and even internationally. All our faculty are board certified/eligible in the subspecialty of pediatric endocrinology. 

Inpatient clinical care is provided in University of Iowa Stead Family Children’s Hospital inpatient units. We hold outpatient clinics at the Pediatric Specialty Clinic, UI Health Care Iowa River Landing, and outreach clinics in Bettendorf, Cedar Rapids, and Cedar Falls. 

Endocrine diseases occur when one (or more) of the body’s many hormonal systems is disrupted. Our care team has a broad range of expertise to evaluate and treat endocrine diseases that affect children and adolescents, as well as related disorders. Learn about the Pediatric Endocrinology Clinic and request an appointment. 

Conditions we see include, but are not limited to:

  • Adrenal disorders
  • Bone fragility syndromes
  • Calcium disorders
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Height growth issues
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Obesity
  • Pituitary conditions
  • Puberty disorders
  • Thyroid conditions

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Andrew Norris

Andrew Norris, MD, PhD

Division Director

Richard O. Jacobson Chair in Pediatric Endocrinology

Division Contact Information

University of Iowa Stead Family Department of Pediatrics
Division of Endocrinology and Diabetes
200 Hawkins Drive
2857 John Pappajohn Pavilion (JPP)
Iowa City, IA 52242

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