Applications materials should be sent to Lavonne Kahler or Tammy Wilgenbusch, Ph.D. Materials should include:
- Curriculum vitae
- Three letters of recommendation
- De-identified evaluation report
- Personal Statement describing clinical and research interests
- Proof of completion of doctoral degree (to be sent before applicant starts the position)
Selection Criteria
All applicants must have: 1) attended an APA-accredited doctoral graduate program in clinical, counseling, or school psychology; 2) completed an APA/APPIC accredited internship; and 3) completed all requirements for his/her doctoral degree prior to beginning the fellowship. The candidate should have a strong child psychology emphasis in course work, research experiences, and clinical/vocational experiences. Once hired, fellows will need to obtain a provisional license to practice in the state of Iowa.
Contact Us
Tammy Wilgenbusch, PhD
100 Hawkins Dr.; 148 CDD
Iowa City, Iowa 52242