
I've worked for Nursing Services - Division of Children's and Women's Services since April of 2016. Previously I worked for 20 years in a University of Iowa research department at Oakdale Campus. I'm the oldest of four siblings. My brother, Rich, is a full time Sergeant First Class with the Iowa...
Kira just started in January as a Clinical Services Specialist in the Pediatric Specialty Clinic and this is her first position with UI Health Care.
Cierra is a new Medical Lab Technician in the Cytogenetics Lab, but has been with UI Health Care for 5 years
Kailey just started in the Division of Pulmonary Medicine as a Sec II and is brand new to UI Health Care
The Division of Neonatology is pleased to announce a request for applications for pilot/small grant proposals to be funded by the Savvy Ferentz Fund in Neonatal Research.
Britt Allendorf is currently working for the divisions of Cardiology and General Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine.
Amanda Pratt is a Sec II in the Division of Medical Genetics and Genomics.
Meet Nancy Ray, Research Associate in Neonatology.
Congratulations to our faculty on some recent positive comments from some the residents. Thank you to all our faculty who do their best everyday to train the next generation of physicians!
The Iowa Poems 175 Committee is pleased to announce " The Wave, Stead Family Children's Hospital, Iowa City " to lead the 175 poems selected in IOWA POEMS 175: Poetry to Observe Iowa's 175th Birthday in 2021. All poems were written by U of Iowa graduate John D. Thompson. Below is a copy of "The...