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An international effort
Composed of 26 sites throughout the world, the INSPPIRE group was formed to research ways to better diagnose, evaluate and treat pediatric pancreatitis.
Formed in 2009 and consisting of pediatric gastroenterologists, radiologists, endocrinologists, INSPPIRE is the first multinational, multi-center effort to systematically characterize pediatric pancreatitis.
The pancreas performs important functions by aiding in digestion and helping to regulate blood sugar. Pancreatitis causes abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting. Children with pancreatitis often miss school, they are hospitalized, have frequent emergency room visits, and require pain management.
Recent studies, have shown that the number children who experience pancreatitis has increased, and children now contract the disease almost as often as adults.
Preliminary data from INSPPIRE study show that pediatric pancreatitis differs from adult pancreatitis, “So it is imperative that we, as pediatricians, do not continue to draw our information from the adult literature,” said Dr. Aliye Uc, professor of pediatrics, pediatric gastroenterologist, the Director of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Pancreatology, and Nutrition Division, and the lead Principle Investigator of the INternational Study Group of Pediatric Pancreatitis: In search for a cuRE (INSPPIRE) project.
1 in 10,000
Children contracting pancreatitis
children enrolled into the program
Sites including centers in Australia, Canada, and Israel
Current Research Projects
The consortium is involved with a number or pediatric pancreatitis research projects. Currently, major projects include:
- Design and implementation of a multicenter pediatric pancreatitis study—INSPPIRE
- Pediatric acute recurrent pancreatitis: the scope of the problem
- Chronic pancreatitis in children: the first report from the INSPPIRE Consortium
- CFTR mutations in children with acute recurrent and chronic pancreatitis
- Economic burden of pediatric acute recurrent and chronic pancreatitis
- Guidelines for the evaluation of acute, acute recurrent and chronic pancreatitis in children
- Radiological imaging findings in acute recurrent and chronic pancreatitis
- Endoscopic interventions and outcomes in pediatric acute recurrent and chronic pancreatitis
About our research project
Find out how our project is helping to better define and evaluate pancreatitis, its causes and responses to treatment.
Learn more about pancreatitis
Discover the categories of pancreatitis as well as frequently asked questions about the condition.
Project sites and contact information
View a listing of consortium members and locations and learn how you can participate in pediatric pancreatitis research.
Check out the INSPPIRE Newsletters.
Publications and Presentations
View a list of publications and presentations authored by consortium members.